5 - Sleepless Times

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"Do you you recall, not long ago
We would walk on the side walk
Innocent, remember?
All we did was care for each other

But the night was warm
We were bold and young

All around, the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
We need someone to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
We need someone to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

What will we do when we get old?
Will we walk down the same road?

Will you be there by my side?
Standing strong as the waves roll over

When the nights are long
Longing for you to come home
All around the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
We need someone to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
We need someone to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
We need someone to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun
We need someone to lean on

Blow a kiss
Fire a gun

All we need is somebody to lean on

     I swam behind Alphys, making sure she didn't look behind and see how much I was struggling to swim and keep the bandage from coming off. Once we got back to the dock, we climbed out of the water and sat on the dock. I stared at the sun coming up and sighed. I looked at Alphys, and saw she was staring at the bandage. I pulled my arm back, and hid it behind my back. "Hey kid, what's with the bandage?" A voice asked, touching my arm. "Kyaa!" I yelped, falling in the water. "Jeez kid. You alright?" Sans asked. "Yeah, you just...scared me." I said, pulling myself back on the dock. "Not that, your arm feels-" "OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelped, sweat dripping down the back of my neck. "We'll talk about that later" I whispered to Sans. I saw the rest of the group and waved. "My child! What happened to your arm?" Toriel asked. "Oh, I did an experiment and it exploded when I was messing and toying with it. I'm fine though." I said as Toriel went to grab my hand. "How long were you sleeping? You look exhausted." Toriel asked. "Like, five" I started. Toriel sighed a breath of relief, seeing I had slept for a decent amount of time. "-minutes." I finished. "Five minutes!?" Undyne shouted. "Yeah, I was working late last night..." I trailed off. I yawned, and shook my head in attempt to wake up. "My child, you should get some sleep." Toriel said. "Nah, I don't *yawn* wanna bail on you guys *yawn*." I yawned. "I hate to say it kid, but I agree with Tori." Sans said. "You guys *yawn* are no fun." I pouted. "Alright punk, let's go." Undyne said, picking me up and hopping into the water. "Undyne! Paps help!" I screeched, as Undyne dragged me underwater. I looked at Undyne, as she stared in horror at me. I looked at my legs, which were melting, and glitching in and out of existence. I suddenly couldn't breathe anymore, so I quickly swam back to the dock. I pulled my upper half above water and onto the dock, gasping for air. "W-woah, are you okay? W-where's Undyne?" Alphys asked. "Help..." I gasped out. Alphys helped me onto the dock, and saw my body glitching and melting. "Woah, kiddo, are you okay?" Sans asked. I couldn't respond, so I shook my head. "T-this looks like the a-amal-amalgamations in the T-True Lab!" Alphys cried. I slowly could breath easily, and tried to sit up. My arms glitched, so I fell back down. "My body isn't reacting well to something." I said, my voice glitching between male, female, and my neutral voice. Undyne popped out of the water and stared at me. "Earlier, you said you were a amalgamated being, correct?" Alphys asked, getting serious. "Yes, I did." I said. "I wonder if the other souls, or monsters and people that kept your body in a solid shape are reacting to you not getting enough sleep. That's just a theory though." Alphys said. I slightly shifted my weight and nodded. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, due to the night without sleep. The last thing I heard was Alphys saying,"Let them sleep. They deserve it."

Song: Lean on

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