4 - The Cold Rushing Waters

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"I run and run a thousand miles,
And I am barely breathing

Only the fuel of a passion heart,
Keeps this body strong and moving forward

Could it be I've found a place to rest?
How far until I'm okay?

Trees of the town reveal the time has come,
Once again to shift our shade and colors

The world always changes around us
But weakness always remain

Through all the pain, believe in,
Who we are right here and now

Raise one hand to the sky! Raise them both!
Lift them high!

And you'll cut through the darkness -
Make it go!

The time to start is now,
And I can show you how

Start with me and the world will be even
Bigger than ever before!"

     I crossed my arms as I fell. The cold, rushing waters tossing me around. I tried to breathe like usual, but inhaled a bunch of water. I tried to swim up, but the current pulled me down. I signaled the dolphins, as I sank towards the bottom loosing conscience. One of the dolphins pulled me to the surface, and I started gasping for breath. I touched my gills, and looked at my fingers. They were covered in some sort of tape? "Kid, you okay?" Sans asked. I kept peeling the tape off of my gills, wincing in pain. "No. That creep covered my gills up with some sort of ta-oww" I said, rubbing my neck. "Here, let me help." Undyne said. She started pulling the tape off, surprisingly gentle. When we got all the tape off, I nodded in thanks. "Well, I should be getting back to the lab. Alphys, wanna come?" I asked. "U-uh, sure!" Alphys said. I used my magic so she could breath underwater, and waved goodbye. I swam down towards the lab, and opened the door. "So, this is the lab. I get all the parts from over there, and I get dyes from over there." I said, pointing to the different locations. I heard a cry of a baby, and immediately swam towards it. I looked the child over, and found fishing nets stuck on his body. I helped him slide the nets off, and brought him back to the lab. "Why do you h-have a baby dolphin?" Alphys asked. "He was hurt!" I protested. I bandaged his wounds and let him swim off. He swam to the edge of the boat, turned around, and swam back. "Aww! He wants to stay!" I smiled. "C-can we get to the s-science stuff now?" Alphys asked. "Sure!" I said, swimming over to the huge crack in the boat. I swam through the crack, and motioned for Alphys to come. Alphys swam through, and swam towards the tables. "Welcome to my lab!" I said. I swam over to a valve, and twisted it. It pulled a piece of metal out from under the drain, an the water slowly drained out of the drain. "U-um, (y/n)?" Alphys asked. "Hmm?" I hummed. "How come t-the boat has a drain, a-and the w-water isn't coming b-back in from the crack?" Alphys asked. "First off, I made a ton of renovations to the boat, including the drain. I found some wires, a valve, a piece of metal, some tools, and some other stuff. I created the drain in case I had non-water creature friends. "T-then, what about the d-door?" Alphys asked. "Magic" I said. I watched as the baby dolphin swam around in one of the water tanks, swimming in and out of the tubes. "What are the tubes for?" Alphys asked, seemingly more comfortable. "If we need water for experiments, or if my small water friends want to visit." I said. I walked over to the tables, and stared pouring Mixture A into Mixture X. I watched the reaction, and picked up my clipboard that was laying on the table.
•Safe to touch
•Feels grainy/like sand
"Interesting..." I said. "Woah! You're already that far on the experiments!?" Alphys squealed. "Well, yeah. If you want, we can collaborate on our experiments." I said. Alphys nodded in agreement. "Great! You can come over here whenever you want. You can even bring your equipment over if we are working on a big experiment." I said. "Well, let's get working!" Alphys yelped. We started explaining theories, mixing stuff, and building new stuff. I giggled as Alphys walked over to one of the couches, and passed out as soon as she touched the couch. I continued to work yet another late night on meaningless experiments. "You can do this, it's only a shot." I whispered, holding the shot close to my arm. I stuck the needle into me vein, and injected the mixture. "Time to complete what an old friend couldn't." I muttered. I watched as the skin on my arm slowly died away and turned to bone. I watched the same happen to my hand, but it had a mysterious hole in the middle going all the way through my hand. I shook my head, and wrapped my arm and hand up, making sure to hide the skeletal features. "Ngh" I heard Alphys groan. "It's morning already?" I asked. "Well, yeah. How'd you sleep?" Alphys mumbled. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" I mumbled. "Sorry, I didn't hear you. What was that?" Alphys asked. "I ~~dn'~ s~~ep" I mumbled. "What?" Alphys asked. "I didn't sleep" I said. "Why?" Alphys asked, shock lacing her voice. "I had work to finish, and you were so tired, I didn't want to bother you." I said. "Oh, okay. What happened to your hand?" Alphys asked, eyeing the bandage. "Oh, a, uh, mixture um, exploded when I was, uh, toying with it!" I said. Alphys nodded, and held her hand out. "I want to see if my healing magic is as good as it once was. Give my your hand." Alphys said. I shakily held my arm out to Alphys. Right before she touched it, I jerked my hand back. "You know what, I'm fine! Let's go back to the surface. The others are probably worried!" I yipped,. "Uh, okay" Alphys said.

Song: Shissou (English)

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