Adeline's POV Pt 4

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Neither Rowan nor I spoke to each other after our argument. I stayed in the room while Rowan went God knows where to do god knows what. I slept angry and woke up angry. It was still dark outside when Reina woke me up. She had packed us some food and water for our trip being the generous person she was. I realized I couldn't hate her, I actually sort of liked her despite her being a competition for me with Rowan. Not that it mattered anymore, I was his mission after all. Maybe it's better that way, not that I believed that. Why was life so confusing?

I followed Reina outside where I found Rowan and Finn talking around a beautiful chocolate colored horse. Before we could reach them Reina stopped me. "My brother told me you knew."

"Knew what?" I arched my brow confused.

"About his favor for Dorian, don't get me wrong, Rowan's a great guy but he's not the one for me," she assured me, finally putting my heart at ease.

Speaking of the devil, Rowan noticed us and raised his hands. "About time princess, we need to make time!"

I rolled my eyes at his immature behavior earning a glare from him. How did we go back to hating each other in such a short time?

I turned to Reina and gave her a big hug. "Thank you for all you've done for us, your kindness will not be forgotten."

Reina returned my hug smiling widely once we pulled apart. "Anything for our queen."

As soon as things get back to normal, I was going to shower Reina and Finn with gifts. What goes around comes around and these two deserve much generous acts.

I went towards the men and the horse turning to thank Finn. "Thank you for everything you have done for us."

"It is an honor your highness, but out of curiosity, do I get the same farewell as my sister?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

"No," Rowan spat from beside me. His expression was scary. He turned to look at me with a warning look. "We're leaving. Now."

So did he like me? He wouldn't be acting like a jealous lover if he didn't, right? God he confused me!

I thought I could test out this theory with the willing Finn. "I don't see the problem if--"

Rowan's hands clamped on my hips earning a squeal from me as he picked me up and sat me on the horse. Within a few seconds he was seated behind me caging me in as he held the reigns. I turned to glare at him only to realize how close we really were. His face millimeters away from mine and my back against his hard chest. I couldn't look away from the intense look in his eyes.

Someone cleared their throat reminding us that we were not alone. A blush covered my cheeks as I forced myself to look away. We waved farewell to the twins before we left. Of course Finn had to wink before we left only angering Rowan some more.

As soon as we were out of hearing distance, I decided to probe at Rowan a bit more. "You didn't have to be so rude to Finn."

His hands clenched the reigns tighter, his knuckles turning white. "I can do whatever I want."

A small smile tugged on my lips at his immature response. "So? Why did you do that?"

"Because... I have my reasons."

His reasons? Not vague whatsoever. "And they are?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he replied.

All I wanted to do was find out! Why couldn't things just be simple?! Everything was so messed up. I couldn't wait until I reached a point where everything in my life would go back to normal.

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