Chapter 43

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Dedication to _calumculator and their friend for inspiring me to get off my ass and finish this chapter.

Luke: Exams. Studying. You down?

Michael: I guess. Mine or urs?

Luke: Mine. PS3 after?

Michael: Only bc urs works better than mine.

Luke: Deal.


Michael: Going over to Luke's to study for exams. Won't be able to talk much. I'm in love with you xx

Ashton: K.

Michael's eyebrows furrow at the older boy's text but he shakes it off as he pulls on his shoes. Ashton had been acting more distant lately and the smaller boy had been trying to brush it off as much as he could but he was starting to worry him. Did this mean that the curly haired boy wanted to break up? Just a week ago the two of them had been studying happily so what happened now?

The sophomore knew that Ashton was leaving in two weeks. Exams started three days from now and Michael could tell that the two of them weren't ready whatsoever. Michael being the master procrastinator that he was, had been more preoccupied with the worry of Ashton's absence rather than the two days that he had taken out of his week to study.

He leaves his house with a sigh and the walk to Luke's didn't take long. When he gets to his friend's doorstep, the uneasy feeling still hadn't gone away. These past few days Ashton had been rather secretive and it was beginning to get on Michael's nerves. "Hey," He muttered upon walking inside.

"You okay?" Luke asked once the two had made it back to his room and the sophomore at his side shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess," He says yet the blonde doesn't believe him.

"What's wrong?" He pushes, shoving Michael's books out of his lap and forcing their gazes to meet. "Is it about Ashton? He seems to be acting particularly asshole-ish toward you lately,"

"I already know you don't approve of us, Luke. You've basically stated that from day one but I can handle it," Luke lets off a long, disapproving sigh and runs a hand through his hair. "You don't think I'm strong enough, do you?" He whispers after a few moments of silence.

"I think that Ashton can hurt you more than you think he can," Luke replies softly, grabbing his friend's hand in his own, interlocking their fingers. He runs his thumb over the top of Michael's palm and the boy smiles softly at the gesture.

"I love you," He murmurs, staring down at their hands and Luke returns the smile, the action complimenting his sharp features.

"I love you too, Mikey," He replies and the two are slowly encased in silence again.

"How's Tori?" The smaller of the two asks, genuinely curious and a small blush makes it's way onto his friend's face.

"She's fine. After the police stuff things were sort of awkward in the beginning but now things are great. I met her parents and they're really sweet,"

A smile of his own makes it's way onto Michael's face and he says, "I'm glad you're finally happy,"

Hesitantly, Luke gets off his bed and grabs two ps3 controllers before handing one to Michael. The dyed boy grins from ear to ear as the blonde turns on the game council and knocks him with his shoulder gently. "You weren't planning on studying, were you?" He asks once Luke had settled back in bed. With a satisfied smirk, Luke shakes his head causing Michael to laugh and lay beside him.


Michael: So are u gonna tell me whats up or am i gonna have to guess?

Ashton: Nothing's wrong.

Michael: Then yve you been an asshat to me lately? I rather hate it tbh.

Ashton: I havent been an asshat.

Michael: Thats a load of bs. Ever since u got ur acceptance letter uve been treating me like shit.

Ashton: I'm sorry, babe. I've just been so stressed out with everything.

Michael: Thats not an excuse to treat me like shit and we both know it. Im getting sick of this, Ashton. Ive given you so many chances already and Im running out of patience with u.

Ashton: I'm sorry, Mikey.

Michael: U keep saying ure sorry but you never make an effort to change anything. Its whatever. Ive gtg now. Ill talk with u later.

Michael sets his phone down beside him, staring at the blank screen before bursting into tears.


So I've been away for so long because I forgot that I had half of this chapter written out so I've taken it upon myself to write a whole new one and as I'm about to publish the second version, I realize that this chapter was saved all along and I was soso pissed so sorry for my having fallen off the face of the earth. Much love.

-Shianne xx

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