Oaks' Party

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As soon as we were done standing there like statues, Jeane and I walked inside the house. People were drinking and dancing and some were even eating them selves out, which I must say was pretty gross watching. We searched for Cam but gave up after we couldn't find her.

"My feet are killing me, can we sit down for a minute?" I said.

"Ya, lets go to the kitchen, this place is huge though." Jeane said.

We walked to the kitchen and guess who we found, Cam and Matt.

"Cam, I thought Catt didn't exist." Jeane teased.

They were eating each other out. But of course they stopped when they realized we had stepped into the room.

"Jeane! Rose! Its not how it may look, me and Matt... we were just talking... umm... about how great this party is." Camilla said

"Cam, your a terrible liar. Just admit you two are in love, and wished you would've sucked each others faces earlier." I said

Just as the devil walked in with his play toy. I was taking a seat on the stools lined up against the little bar in the kitchen. Jason walked in and walked over to the bar and started serving us drinks.

"TO A GREAT SENIOR YEAR THATS AHEAD OF US!" Jason yelled while we all rose our red cups, everyone drank their drinks of course except me, I had planned to stay sober the first night back to school.

"Oh come on Rose, a drink won't hurt." Jason exclaimed.

"It wont hurt, but it'll make me a non-sober person." I responded.

"Please Rose, for me?"

"I'll drink it just to not let you hanging."

I drank it, but fyi, it was a pretty strong drink.

"Rosalie, why aren't you wearing something short like Cecil here." Casper said.

I took a moment, did he just say Cecil or was that drink making me hallucinate. I looked closely, it was Cecil... it was Cecil that dressed up like me and had dyed her hair my shade of color just to satisfy Casper's damaged mind.

"Why is Cecil with you, and why does she look like me and why is she wearing my shade of purple, and my hair color and my hair style?"

"Sounds like someone is jealous of poor Cecil here. Well she looks like you because you didn't want to be my date to the party so I figured why not duplicate you and make Cecil look like you. I mean it's brilliant, right?"

"You're sick!"

"Rose, I think its better if we leave." Jeane said.

"I'm not leaving. Casper you said I didn't come with you to this stupid party but in the first place you never even asked me to be your date, and I'm not jealous of Cecil."

I was furious I didn't know how to act all I could think about is my anger towards Casper, I mean did he really hate me after all these years. I never did anything to him, at all, and now he pops up and suddenly cares if I go with him to a stupid dance. I could feel my blood burning inside of me, my stomach tuning into knots.

I suddenly bump into a strong chest, I didn't notice I was running around the house thinking of how I felt, I mean I cant just ignore these feelings inside of me, they're killing me, I don't even know how I feel anymore.

I looked up to see who's chest it was, it was freaking Casper Salvatore's chest! God couldn't he just stop following me!

"Woah, if you want some of this just ask for it."


"Fine. Go ahead go." he said signing me to go.

"Thank you."

Time passed, I was drunk and so was everyone else, at that time me, and Jeane were dancing on top of a table. Matt and Camilla were dirty dancing and Casper was with Cecil sucking her face.

"I have to go pee be right back J." I said

I really had to pee like really bad, I guess being drunk makes you want to pee more. I was walking up the stairs to go use the restroom. There was this huge line to get in so I decided to go look in the rooms, I mean they were loaded with cash probably every room was a master bedroom. I wasn't wrong about the master part but the rooms I had looked in had couples hooking up which bothered me because if they weren't in there, I would have left by business where it needs to be and then I can go back and continue partying. I entered a room and it was empty so I entered the room, closed the door, and walked over to the bathroom. I tried opening the door but something blocking it from inside so I tried pushing it but ended up hitting the floor.

"Hey, are you ok?" The person that was blocking the door said. I looked up to see who it was.

"Casper, is that you? I can't see you clearly." I said trying to get up but I felt really dizzy.

"Easy rookie." he said helping me up.

"Rookie? I'm not new at this, I've drank before."

"You may have drank before but yet you don't know your limit."

"I need to pee, wait weren't you just down there sucking Cecil's face?"


"Get out I need to pee."

As he left and I left my business. I got up and washed my hands and attempted to catch up to Casper. I saw him going downstairs. I ran to the stairs and started running down to catch up.

"Casper! Casper, wait I need you."

As I finished saying my sentence all I felt was my legs grow weak. It was like I had no blood circulating in my legs.

That's when I went rolling down the stairs, and that was the end of Rosalie Gilbert......I'M KIDDING!


I was already walking towards the living room, but I heard Ali calling me. As I turned around to look at Ali, I see her tumbling down the marble staircase. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was unconscious. The stairs had some blood marks on the border of the stairs. She was bleeding! For a moment I thought she was dead, I quickly ran to her to pick her up.

I yelled for help, everyone on top and around the stairs looked at us and started gasping.

"Matt, Jason, Camilla, Jenny!!!" I yelled.

Some how they all heard me and rushed in.

"Oh my god, dude what happened?!" Matt and Jason said. "Camilla, Jeane call an ambulance!"

"Casper!! My name is Jeane dumbass!" said Jeane

"We can't call an ambulance we'll all get arrested if they tell the police there's underage drinking happening." said Jason.

"I'm taking her in your Denali, Jason."

I scooped her up and carried her to the car and laid her in the back seat her jacket was there so I tried putting that as head support and covered her with my jacket.

I drove to the emergency room, passing stop signs, red lights. I couldn't lose her, she was my epic love, I couldn't let her go. I needed her even though we didn't talk for years. I always knew what she was up to. Plenty of times when she lost it at parties and passed her limit and ended up passing out I used to take her home and get her in her bed and told Matt or James to tell her it was them.

I love her and always did...

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I promise to make the next chapters longer.

Thank you for reading loves.


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