The Awake

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I felt my self awaken but truly it was a dream, I was with Cam in my room and she was telling me how to take care of Jeane and Matt, she was saying how she will always be by our side and how if she doesn't make it she wants me to promise her that.

I hugged her and that's when I woke up and imagined what had happened.

Casper was in the room I was in, as soon as I woke up I noticed I started gasping for air, I felt like I died and came back to life. He woke up and called the doctor, the doctor came and asked me questions and questions.

As soon as the doctor left, I asked Casper what happened.

"What happened?"

"You got attacked by Cici and she chocked you to the point you almost died...."

"What happened to Camilla?"

"That's not for me to tell."

"Is she dead?"

"GOD NO! She's just in a really bad state the doctors think she's not going to survive they had to operate her because the back of her head cracked open and it seems like her lungs aren't working anymore as they should"

"WAIT BACK IT UP WHAT DO YOU MEAN CICI?! You mean Cecil.... wait Cici was in my house too?"

"Cici attacked you and Camilla....."

"No! Cecil attacked me and I heard Camilla but then I guess I blacked out."

"SHIT! MATT, JEANE, JASON, TROY!" Casper yelled as he rushed to what I imagined was the waiting room.



"Why?!" They all asked.


"Bro are you sure, you're probably just tired, I mean you haven't slept well since you found out what happened to Rose. Maybe you're just star...." Troy said.

"Does it look like I'm in the mood for your f*cking stupid comments. I want you to call the cops and tell them you have a new suspect on the case of Camilla Forbes and Rosalie Gilbert now!" I exclaimed as I interrupted him.

"What if they ask who and how we know?"

"Well then you tell them who it is and how we know, obviously Idiota."

I made my way back to Rose but noticed something seemed off, the door was locked and there was a paper that said "no visitors" on it and something about it gave me a bad vibe.


As I waited for Casper to come back from what I assumed he went to go do, a nurse comes in and tells me to relax that she was going to put a tranquilizer that the doctor had requested, but something about her face was too familiar when it clicked, the nurse was Cecil!

"Get the hell away from me! HELP!" I yelled.

"Shut the f*ck up before I overdose you and make you go into coma again or maybe this time I'll get it right and kill you."

"You think you're so clever but by now the police are starting to look for you, you thought Cici would take all the blame, well she did but guess what. I told Casper everything so he will hate you for the rest of your existence for the crazy bitch you are. So you better stay the f*ck away from me before you get yourself into a bigger mess than the one you're in."

Cecil's face started turning a shade of red darker than a tomato, she immediately launched herself on top of me causing my broken ribs to probably shatter.

"You feel so smart, don't you? Well guess what, YOU'RE NOT YOU WILL NEVER WIN ME, because unless you have proof I was in your house and attacked you, the police can't do anything and as rich as I am you will never touch me, your word in this town is nothing compared to mine. So try your hardest to destroy me but you will never win. Maybe if you keep this up I will go after your mom or your dad or maybe your other friends so continue to try and blame for this and I will destroy your friends and your family."

She got off of me and left the room leaving me out of breathe and in great pain, I couldn't even call for help. All I could feel was the pain of my broken ribs.

Casper entered the room but I pretended to be asleep I wouldn't let him or the rest of my friends and my family get hurt. What I had said had no proof like Cecil had said it was my word against hers and the worst part was I had not witnesses except for Cami and she was still in coma and we still were waiting for her to wake up.

"Rose wake up, Rose. Hey wake up, Rose." He said.

He tried waking me up but I was good at fake sleeping since when we would go on road trips and I was younger and wouldn't want to walk to my room I would make my dad carry me to my room.

Sorry this chapter was so short but I felt like updating the story.
Chapters will be longer, promise.

Thank you for reading 💙
love you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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