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"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" Sophia exclaimed when she ran into my work room.

I turned around and smiled at the curly brown haired little girl holding a canvas. She's been taking an interest in painting and I've been happily buying the supplies she needs.

I took her canvas and giggled at the sloppy rainbow.
"It looks gorgeous, princess!" I say and kneel to give her a one armed hug. My other hand holding the painting and I kissed the top of her head.

"I made it for you!" She said excitedly. 

I gasped.

"For me? Sweetie, thank you." 

She then kissed my cheek and ran away.

It's now been six years since I moved to San Francisco and I don't regret anything. 

For those who are wondering, yes I did finish college. I was able to finish college online and I flew back to LA to attend graduation. All my old friends were dying to meet Sophia and when they met her all of them gushed and took pictures. 

I didn't let Anderson meet her though and it wasn't like he put up a fight to meet her anyways. I did however see him catch her eye when she was with my parents in the crowd. His face was as blank as a canvas.

I was hurt. Hurt that he didn't show any emotion seeing his first and currently, only daughter. I guess he still has himself convinced that she isn't his.

But anyway, I'm over that and him now. I have bigger and more important things in mind. Like Sophia's first day in first grade in a new school.

Her five year old self is super excited. She still has some school supplies saved up from her previous school days in kindergarten so thank God for that. Back to school shopping is so stressful with a five year old.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey hey hey! I brought you a strawberry and banana smoothie from 'Fruits and stuff'." Clara said when she came in.

She handed me the smoothie and I thanked her gratefully. It's been really hot but not as hot as mid summer. I was so close to emigrating to Antarctica.

"So, is Sophie ready for her big day tomorrow?" Clara asks and dropped herself on my small leather couch that's across the bay window in my work space.

"Oh she's ready alright. Look at my calendar."

Clara glanced at my small calendar above my desk and let out a loud 'HA!'.

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