21// The reason why

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This chapter is gonna be a little shorter than usual because it's a filler, but it has to happen for the story to progress into the action that's gonna take place.

It'll be worth it, trust me :D


"Should we wake them?" I heard a hushed voice say.

"Wake up a room filled with girls and more than half will be hungover? Yeah that sounds like a perfect idea, while you're at it why don't we just hide the Tylenol and blare loud music too." Another voice said sarcastically.

The first voice laughed. The laugh sounds familiar. A Tobias kind of familiar.
"Whatever, we're waking them up."

I stirred and let out a big yawn.
"What the fuck are you two doing in my house?" I asked groggily, not even bothering to open my eyes.

 Toby cleared his throat.
"We're here to nurse you guys back to health."

"We're fine." I state and rolled to the side. I guess I rolled too far because I fell off my bed.

"Ow." I groan and hold the back of my head tenderly. I finally open my eyes and looked around, vision hazy. 

"Wait, this isn't my room." I say and looked around harder to see if I can see anything familiar.

"Nope, it's my living room." The other voice said which I recognized to be Callum's.

I hear someone else stirring next to me on the ground and I see Melinda and Clara basically draping their limbs over each other, snoring.

I stood up, careful not to wake anyone, and tip toed around my friends over to where the two idiots are standing.

"Why are we in your house?" I asked in a whisper. I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for the answer.

"You all past out in his car and we didn't have the heart to wake you guys." Toby started with a sheepish expression.

I raised my eyebrows at them.

"And we didn't know where you lived so we just decided to bring you here to my place." Callum finishes and winks at me.

I groaned.
"Great. Just great..." I muttered, thinking about Sophia and pray that she doesn't get home before I do.

Callum sighed.
"We gotta wake your friends so they can put something in their stomachs and leave. I have someone coming over." He said and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Toby's raised an eyebrow at Callum, the action made me look away.

"Who do you have coming over?" Toby asks his friend.

"It's just Bella, we'll talk about that later." Callum said in a hushed tone.

I knelt in front of the sleeping body of Olivia. Her hair is all over her face and dried drool is all over her cheeks.

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out. I then smirk, thinking about all the times my friends wanted to prank me while I was sleeping.
I stood back up and turned towards the guys, a plan forming in my head already.

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