Part 1: Rose-Red

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It's a sunny day, birds sing their heart warming songs and trees sway in the whisper of the wind. I was refreshed; it was a new day which meant a new adventure was just around the corner.
I made my way to the cottage, which seemed ordinary in every way to ordinary folk passing by, but it had its little secrets.
The door slammed shut behind me, due to the breeze. I walked towards the study; concentration was key. Now to find the book named "The Key of Combat". Yes, I know what your thinking, what a weird name for a book? Whats so key about it? (Well, I'm not a mind-reader!)but I pulled it out and the hidden door emerged. I put the book back from where it came from and hurriedly tripped through the door.
I landed on my stomach making me gasp from a few shocks of pan, my red cloak tangled around me and layered with dust. Brushing the dust off, I jumped up to my feet and ran down the cold stone stairs to the dark basement bellow. Light was very dim down here, the only source was candle flame. I skipped over to the desk which contained a basket with a tartan cloth over the top and a letter from Peter (my uncle).My parents unfortunately had passed away when I was just a little one (seven years to be exact), it was extremely sad but I got through that faze in life knowing I couldn't bring them back so I just got on with life, learning things for my, let's say weird career. Step by step.
The letter read:
Dear Rose-Red,
I'm sorry I haven't seen you today I have been busy with work, but you see... I need you to do me a favour, child, and take this basket to your dear grandmother. As she is ill and needs her remedies to help her recover. Also, there are some sweet tarts and breads for her and you to share when you get there. I know you have to go through Raven Wood to get there but you're a big girl now and soon you will turn 18, I have taught you much but just try to stay on the path, dear.
Thank you.
Love you.
Uncle Peter.
A sweet aroma hung in the air making me drool a bit; Uncle Peter's sweet tarts were to die for but you know I can't eat one... yet.
My reflection looked chic but bad ass in the mirror, my knee high boots shone and there wasn't a lace out of place. The skirt I wore was poofed up so you could see my petty coats and fish net tights which seemed to be swallowed up by the layers; I was comfortable with my appearance even though my corset was a little tight-this was what us women had to do to please our men back in the 1300s. the red velvet cloak which draped from my shoulders finished my look off, with my hood up hair down I grabbed the basket. Looking in the mirror one last time, I looked good with a hint of mystery, ( mystery was my middle name) my footsteps echoed behind me as I exited the house setting off to grandmothers; she was a bit old and a bit scary but I loved her dearly.
The cross through the village was short and sweet, with villagers saying,"Morning Rose", and wishing me look through Raven Wood; everyone is scared of Raven Wood because of the evil creatures lurking in there. But they knew I could look after myself and all i needed to do was stay on the path, anyways.
I wasn't scared like you might think I would be, a lot of people would say," Oh no, a young pretty girl like you shouldnt be going into a dark, gloomy wood. You should be at home sewing a blanket for the winter or cooking". Women didn't have many rights and we were expected to do the house work, stay in the house, not leave the house therefore, not to go on adventures or anything else close to that. I would have died by now if my uncle made me do these activities, locked me up in a house but he knew I had a rough start in life due to my parents. So he treat me as an equal and like I was his very own son indeed. He taught me many things a woman should never be told like how to fight using a sword, bow and arrow, how to build, survive in the forest, make a fire anything like that. Peter knew if he didn't do these things I'd just waste away in a little black hole of agony and grief; so thank the lord he didn't!
The wood was dark with a few streaks of light sneaking through the trees canopies, this made me feel like I was in a jungle. I wanted to climb and swing in the trees, become adventurous and build a tree house so that when I got tired of acting like a monkey I could simply rest with nature surrounding me. However, sadly I knew how impossible that was it was dangerous.
My inner voice said constantly:
Stay on the path!
Stay on the path!
I knew my head was right so I kept on walking, but my heart desperately wanted, no, needed to explore every inch of this wood; fighting off danger with a brave warrior look plastered on my face was my idea of a good day.
As I walked, the breeze made my cloak sway and brush the strands of my hair that poured down my chest over my shoulders.
The day was nice, I was half way to Grandmothers and enjoying myself as much as I could on a nice long walk.
The bushes to my right suddenly rustled and I stopped dead in my tracks, taking a step to the bush and not noticing I'd just stepped off the path. A pair of yellow eyes glinted from the back of the bush, and then a fierce growl echoed around me. I froze all my muscles licking at once, not knowing what to do .

A/N I'm sorry I told you id get the whole story done by today but I've had to do exams and stay after school to do my art exam so I've been juggling with time I'll try to get the next bit up for you guys tomorrow . I hope you like the new updated version please vote and comment if you're enjoying it then I'll be deffinate to hurry up and get the whole thing typed up!
What will happen next will she survive??
What is this creature ?
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Love you guys , thanks for spending your time reading my book.

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