Diary Entry #2- Bridget Piers

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Well, the last thing I ever expected to get was a boyfriend.

Okay, okay, maybe I'm being hard on myself. It was something that could have happened down the line, since I moved to a new town and everything. I knew I was going to meet people and possibly even date a few, but I didn't expect to meet someone so...perfect in just a few short weeks.

He's a dentist with a great smile and personality, for one thing. Men in uniform are pretty high in my book. He seemed shy and modest at first, but after spending some time with him and getting to know him, I think he is really laid-back, funny, and really easy to talk to. We have been seeing each other for a while now, and I have to say I am really liking this guy.

He started off by coming into my store and looking for something for his mother, or pretending to. I am still not sure on this one, or just how long he was secretly checking me out. He was so awkward it was actually kind of adorable, even if it was annoying at first since I didn't know what the hell he wanted. Later, he comes back and that's when he asked me out. And we have been hanging out ever since!

It's nice. It's fun. We're having fun. It seems like the thing I needed right now, with the thief situation still at hand. As it turns out, the thief is still out there, and he hasn't even robbed my store yet. Why? I think it's because I'm the only store in this town that got a decent security system, that's what! You mean to tell me I was here for five minutes and I was the only one who knew how to properly secure a store?

I don't know, maybe it's luck. But either way, I'm ready for this thief if he ever decides to come my way.

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