Chapter Fourteen: The moment of truth

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Here I was, I had at least a hour before I said my vows. Was this... Was this really happening? Everythong just seemed to perfect. And when things get perfect, things go south. This was not something that I wanted to go wrong. I am marrying the woman I love. But do I really love Artemis? I only truly got to know her on the short six months I have been with the hunters. Eveything seemed to be moving to fast.

"Hey Perce." Grover said entering my cabin.

I turned, "Grover!" I gave him a massive bear hug, "One hell of a ride huh?"

He smiled, "Going to the Underworld, capturing the golden fleece, and all the other impossible quest that entered out lives." He patted my shoulder, "I'm glad I could be here."

I nudged his sholder, "So, when are you and Juniper tying the not?"

His blushed,"Soon Perce, can't take away the thunder of your wedding."

"How nice of you." It felt good talking to Grover. It seemed like the the old times were coming back to us.

"It's time Perce." He said glancing at his watch.

I took a deep breath, "Time for me to get married."

Everyone got set up around the the wedding arch. It was located in the gardens of Bacchus. You can Imagine how wide Dionysus smile was when we entered to set up the wedding there.

'Was this really happening?' I kept saying in my head. I was afraid, I was scared of what would happen next. Would Artemis and I still have the life of living in the hunt? Or would she no longer be able to have the hunt, for she would no longer be a maiden.

The music started to play, Apollo killed it on the piano.

Then down the long white carpet was Artemis. Her flowing wedding dress had straces of silver running through it. She had the biggest smile on her face. Zues was wearing a white tuxedo and and blue tie. He was the only one as well, the rest of us had black tuxs on. He just wanted to stand out.

They approached the altar and Artemis stood in front of me.

"We are gathered hear today to join my Daughter and Perseus Jackson in matrimony." Hera said. Her and Artemis were able to work out their differences between them. Hera even calls her daughter.

I kinda stopped paying attention to the words Hera was saying, Aretmis and myself seemed to be lost in eachothers eyes.

"Percy, will you take Artemis as your wife? to live together in th holy matrimony; will you love and honor her till your life ceases to exist in sickness and health. And no matter what, stay faithful?" Hera said glaring daggers at Zeus at the last part.

My attention shot back. "I do." I said confidently

"Artemis, will you take Percy as your husband? to live together in th holy matrimony; will you love and honor him till you fade into the void, in sickness and health. And no matter what, stay faithful?"

"I do." She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Then as the goddes of marrige, I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may kiss-"

Before she could finished, Artemis pulled eachother in close. Her velvet lips connected to mine. Everyone whooped and cheered in the crowd.

I did it, I married the women I loved, Artemis, Godess of the hunt.


*Guys I want to apologize for not updating as much as I should be. Now this book is starting to come to a end, as a prologue of sorts, would you want me to have a few chapters that happened within the six months that were skipped. Please comment if you want to see that, thank you all some much for the continued support. As a newer writer on wattpad, it means the world to me.*

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