It Reeks

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Nyan had an idea. He turned to Tac. "Do you know where this planet is, nya? We should go over and tell them not to invade! Or at least not to hurt anyone. Nyo one wants to end up like Brian did."

"NIY!" shouted Tac. "Are you insane?! You're their primary target! Stay here and keep the planet safe."

"Can we at least try?" Nyan playfully nuzzled Tac to try to convince him. "If I'm the one they're after, I'll be the one to stop them."

He continuously cuddled Tac as Tac repeatedly refused until a sudden burst of "GAAH FINE. I'm not going, though. Have fun."

"NIY YOU WON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS WITHOUT MY HELP GET BACK HERE" was what Nyan heard him quickly add after he already flew off into the sky. "And don't ever mention Brian again."

Soon, they were both flying through space, with Tac navigating the way to Dank Planet. It was a lot further than their moon, of course. During that time Nyan tried to start a few conversations with Tac. two-and-a-half conversations later, they finally arrived at the urban green planet.

"Is the city nearby?" said Nyan.

Tac replied, "I don't see it around here..."

"What about over there? Behind you, nya?"

"It's behind me. let's go." Tac flew away, trying to hide his awkwardness from not having seen it

They reached the city. It was populated with frogs and reeked of marijuana. The cats saw many things. There was a company that specified in ear-piercing music and airhorns. There was a loud gaming tournament happening in an auditorium. They went through a part of town that just looked really blurry to them. Nyan was having trouble finding his way, but Tac told him to just keep going forwards. His eyes had adjusted a bit to blur because of literally flying through hell all the time.

Suddenly they heard a single gunshot, and instinctively fled upwards.

"So, where are we going anyways?" asked Nyan as they descended back.

"I know one of the leaders of this area, and I'm sure he has something to do with the invasion. His office is up ahead."

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