Chapter One: The toy soldiers shack

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Bandages and medicine covered and coated Trafalgar's body. His right arm still recovering from when Doflamingo had severed it off during his skirmish. Not to mention when Trebol blew up his slimy mucous body, catching him in the blaze. The Corazon coat he wore burned and covered in soot, he would have been dead if it wasn't for straw hat. Law still could not believe that any of this was real, on account of how smoothly everything was handled given the situation. He never thought that straw hat and his crew could really pull through with the task at hand. They proved him wrong.

The night air was calm and cool, a nice change from the hell that had broke loose earlier that day. Once he saw Doflamingo being punched towards the center of the earth by straw hat, he knew he could die happy. Avenging Corazon, his greatest friend whom was savagely killed by his only brother. All that seemed left was the feud with the beast Kaido, but seemed so far away that it was nothing at the moment.

Straw Hat slept on the only bed in the shack, deserving it from his victory. Kinmon and his ally sat beside him, talking about old times and drinking away. Across from Trafalgar sat Zoro, leaned up against the wall with his three swords and his third bottle of liquor. Zoro stayed in and out of sleep, listening to The other samurai's tales. The sniper Ussopp sat against the bed straw hat slept on, drooling onto his shoulder. Franky the cyborg beside him repairing his eyes from senõr pinks devastating fall, and Bellamy recovering on the floor after his near death experience with Doflamingo. And Robin whom was sitting across the room with Franky, handing him tools using her devil fruit.

He remembered when Straw Hat literally pulled him out of the fire in his fight with Doflamingo, throwing him and his severed arm into the care of Robin. Straw Hat then begun his final fight with the warlord. While Trafalgar lied near dead in the lap of Robin.

"Robin" Trafalgar thought. " she took care of me when Straw Hat-ya defeated Doflamingo."

Trafalgar shook his head in confusion. Why did he suddenly think of Robin? Why focus on a small detail like that? But then again, if she wasn't there, he would have surely died. He knew that he needed to thank her. He needed to thank her for saving his life.

She rose up from her sitting position towards Law. "Why is she coming over here? Can she read minds?!"

Slowly she turned to straw hat's bedside, taking the blanket and tucking him in. She smiled as she did so, her large aquamarine eyes glowing by the candlelight. Her beautiful face and gorgeous figure, the long black hair that ran down her back. Trafalgar had a frog in his throat, all he could think was one sentence.

" She is beautiful."

His mouth must have been wide open along with the rest of his expression. Because when she turned back, her smile was gone and replaced with a look of confusion.

" Law, what's the matter?" Robin looked down at him, tilting her head to the right.

He regained his bearings. " Nothing!" He almost shouted. The shack was silent, all of those awake stared at him awkwardly. He covered his face with his white cap to hide his blushing face.

Robin giggled and sat down between him and Ussopp. She leaned up against the bed frame still looking at him. " Law, do you mind if I sit here for now?" She turned to look at straw hat lying in bed, mumbling about food. " Want to make sure he doesn't eat the blanket by mistake."

Law nodded with his hat over his eyes. Her giggles were very cute and charming. He could listen to them all day, he pondered if that seemed weird at all though. Listening to someone laugh all day, that could have been the reason him and Corazon left Doflamingo's crew.

He knew that this would be the best time to tell her he was grateful. " Robin-ya... "He stumbled. Lifting his hat. The grip on his swords scabbard tightened . " Th..."

Before Law could get the words out. The door to the shack opened up wide. Revealing a figure in a long coat and top hat, everyone instantaneously was prepared for another war. Law was ready to make a room, the samurai readied their swords, Zoro as well, Franky his strong right, Robin her devil fruit, and Ussop crawling under the bed screaming.

" Oi!" Sabo said. " It's just me." He walked in. And told his story, the story of how he came to Dressrosa.

Law found the story interesting a and tragic at the same. But after every word, he would sneak glances at Robin, her smooth skin, silk like black hair, the story didn't interest him in the slightest. But he felt guilty still, he hadn't told her his appreciation  of her actions.

" Oi, I need to tell her."

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