Chapter 4: Zou part 1

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Law was tasked to finding where that blasted swordsman had wandered off too. He was always the one to get lost no matter where he was. The island of Zou was lush with plant life and animals, it was to colorful for his taste. He was very happy that he had finally reunited with his beloved crew, Bepo had already sobbed all over Law.
His wound was nearly fully healed, just a couple more days and the stitches should be able to be removed soon. His jacket was open to let the warmth of Zou go through his body. His hat he left at Nekomamushi's palace. Robin had returned his clothes to him the morning they arrived. She laid the jacket folded on a chair, with his hat on top of them.
What was I thinking of lending her my clothes? He told himself. It looks weird on your part.
( hours later)
Law had ordered Zoro to head back to the village. Nearly teleporting him the entire way.
He stopped when he heard the sound of rushing water. It surprised him, was there a river or stream on the back of an elephant? It was coming from over a small hill.
He walked up the hill and felt his nose bleed red.
Three girls  sat in the foamed water of a bathing house. Wanda the mink, Nami sat across from them, and then Robin. It shocked Law how he was acting. It wasn't anything he hadn't seen, he's been a surgeon and has seen both inside and out of both genders. He quickly realized that he wasn't blushing from the women, but instead the woman. Robin.
Sneaking a glance, he saw her sitting in the foamy bath, her long black hair flowing over her torso. Her beautiful skin, pretty smile, soft eyes. Her eyes were fixed on talking with Wanda and Nami.
A hand touched his shoulder. Startling him.
It was the upper half of Robin sticking out of the ground. She created a clone of herself and placed it behind Law. Had she seen him?!
" What are you gawking at surgeon?" She said in a dry voice. This copy of Robin had formed her tank top over her, the opposite of her counterpart over the hill.
" Robin. I-I..." he was at loss for words.
" please go."
" Yes" He held his head down in red shame and covered his bleeding nose. Slowly walking down the hill.
Her clone disappeared into flower Pedals.
Before he left, he glance one final look at her, and grew pale at the sight. Robin stared him in the eyes with soul piercing pupils.
He jumped and ran down the hill back towards Zou.

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