Chapter Two: Thousand Sunny

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The sea breeze was salty and warm, nothing but the ocean in sight. Law day dreamed of how he would swim in the water, feeling the salty water against his skin and feeling the water all rush around him. It would be nice, but having the Op Op fruit seemed a fair trade.
The Straw Hats had formed a large alliance with dozens of pirate crews besides his own, truly Law was impressed. Just came into the new world and already has an army at his command. Not to mention his crew. The swordsman Zoro, the sniper god Ussop, the perverted cook Sanji, Burgler Nami, Doctor Chopper, Franky, Brook, and Robin. Nico Robin, " the devil's child".
Law stood at the railing of the thousand sunny, the soft grassy deck below his feet. He looked up from his thoughts to the crew. Luffy and Ussop had been attempting to fish but ultimately fell asleep. Franky steering the ship, Kinnemon, Kanjero, Zoro, and Momonoske all were playing cards in a corner. And then he looked up the stairs and saw Robin reading another book.
"She sure does love those books." Law thought. " I wonder what she's reading."
Robin must have felt his gaze because she looked up from her novel at him. Meeting his dark eyes. The locked gaze held for a second but felt as if it were an eternity. Law grew a bright blush on his cheeks and turned his head down.
"Damn it! She saw me. How embarrassing. I didn't mean to look that long. Why was I looking?!" Law's mind raced with thoughts of what she was thinking.
He peaked up to see if she was still looking. And to his astonishment, she was. Along with a small smirk to add to her stare. Then returning to her book immediately.
The smirk was small, but made law's entire face turn red.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Law thought to himself. " I met Boa Hancock the most beautiful girl alive and didn't see anything. What the heck is with this woman?"
He stared up one last time to Robin. Her hair tied up in a ponytail, short shorts and a tank top on. His mouth fell open again, trying to take his eyes off of her, but seemed to have them glued to her perfect curves and beautiful features. Only one thought popped into his head that made sense.
Law said to himself, almost a whisper. " Devil's Child."

(Sorry if this isn't as good as the last one. I'll try to make them better from here on out. Next will be at Zou, also I want to know if you guys want me to do the next chapter on Robin's point of view or keep it as Law's.)
( Update will come soon)

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