Chapter 5-

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A/N: Many wanted Blakes Pov so here i am with Blakes POV

Chapter 5:-

Blake's POV

I know I was already late for my school today as I had some pack business to do and after that dad called me for the monthly report of our business. Yeah I handle our business. I know I haven't graduated yet but dad had taught me many basics so I had started going office long back when I was 15. Dad has to go for conference. We have many chain of hotels in America. We are rich people you know.

Once I complete my studies I will be take over my company. Actually I know only few things about Hotel management and all but my uncle owns biggest fashion industries and these he is too weak so I am handling his company. He doesn't have any heir so he declared me as his heir. One more responsibility. I am 18 years old now. I haven't found my mate yet hence told dad to not to declare me as Alpha though I will handle my responsibilities. He had given me time of six months as then he will fully concentrate on expanding his chain of hotels in Australia as there is our pack too.

I am the Alpha of the biggest pack in whole America and Australia. The name of the pack is Blue Moon Pack. I wanted to change it to Night Shadow but dad says the name was given by Moon goddess itself and it was on her name to give respect to her. Well we have currently more than nine thousand werewolves in our pack. The -headquarters are in Oregon. We have sub-alphas to handle different regions. But Reece Carter is Alpha of Blood Rose Shadow pack. I had given that territory to him to handle but he can't be sub-alpha as he had alpha blood. He is one of my best friend.

Well as I handle all these things I barely sleep 4 hours. I want to find my mate anyhow. It's almost seven years since I shifted. I don't know, it was miracle or what but I shifted when I was 10. Even my brother shifted at 10. I always used to find the reason behind this but haven't got any till now.

As soon as I entered in the school, my wolf started becoming restless. He was howling. Suddenly I smell the sweetest and intoxicating smell I have ever smelt. I k now I was late for my English class but who cares when I would be finding my mate soon. I started following that sent and guess what I was going to my English class. As soon as I enter the room, I said "sorry I am late" interrupting the teacher. Well she was a werewolf from our pack so it was not at all a problem. Even I wasn't really sorry as I was late due to my dad so why should I have any guilt in that. The teacher glared at me. He knows I won't do anything to her being an alpha as she was playing the good teacher's role, so I just smirked and started to take my seat but I saw a girl.

As I neared her to take my seat behind her, the smell was so stronger now and I have to hold back a moan. Yeah the most intoxicating smell was of her. It smells like sweet honey.

My wolf, Damien was going crazy again. I guess she was looking at me but I dare not to look at her. But I was lost in her scent and for a mille second I looked at her beautiful face but she was not looking at me. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

I quickly took my seat behind her.

"MATE!" Damien shouts and started howling in excitement.

She was my mate, o god!! Finally I found my mate.

"Our mate" Damien howls again

"Sorry...our mate" I told him

"Go to her, now" he demands.

"I will Damien, but not now. We are in the class. We will get to her later" I reply.

He whines for some time but then stops.

My mate was human. But there was a strong power, strong aura surrounded her. It would be as she was my mate, an alpha's mate. So I have to take all the things slow, as she was a human. She was talking with Amy.

As the bell rings, she shoots her out of her seat and she was outside before I can even call her name. I have to wait till the lunch. I noticed that she was restless; maybe she was feeling the pull too. As I am the alpha, the mate pull is 10times than the normal ones. Quickly I was grinning. Let's see how I affect her.

It was lunch time. I was sitting with Rhett, my beta and my gamma mike. Rachel was also there. She is mike's sister. I was again hit by her sweet smell. She was coming with Amy in our direction. Amy introduced her to everyone and I just greeted normally. Amy introduced her as Annabelle. Such a sweet name. She is my princess now.

Whole lunch time I was staring at her. She knows that. She was pretty self conscious, was glancing again and again in my direction. But then she started ignoring me. She was laughing with Amy and Rachel. My heart slips for a second by hearing her sweet laugh. Even her laugh was intoxicating. I love her smile on her beautiful face. It can stop my heart beating for a second.

I haven't seen her for whole two periods after her P.E. My wolf was again restless now. I asked Amy and she said she was in library. So my little mate love library. Is she a nerd? Well I don't have any problem, if my princess is a nerd.

Finally in last period I found her but I was angry when she was sitting so close with that jarred. We have many problems. Well I have many problems with Jarred as he was a player and he was eyeing my sister Amy. Though she is not blood related to me but I have always considered her as my baby sis.

I was continuously staring at her. My wolf was going crazy to have our mate in his arms and even I bit back my growl. My wolf was angry seeing our mate with Jarred. As I was continuously staring at her, she found it and hence she was giving me slight glances. But then she dared to look in my eyes. I know I was angry and hurt but then she was a human, she doesn't know anything about mates so my eyes were again cold and emotionless. Being an alpha I can't show my weakness to anyone except my friends, parents and mate. She was looking at me. She would have thought that I will look away because I was caught staring at her but I didn't move. We were lost in each other's gaze for I don't know how long. It could have been seconds, it could have been minutes, hell, it could have been years for all I know. But Jarred break the movement. I will kill him one day for sure. Jarred and I were friends in childhood but I stopped talking with him since he started being player.

My mate started talking with them again. As bell rang, she gave her good bye to all and even smile at me. My heart slips with her smile again. I was actually addicted to her smile.

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