Chapter 2 ♡

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Luna's POV:

"Oh, it's already 11pm, I should head back home." Justin says. Honestly, I don't want him to leave.

I sigh, "Really? Can't you just, stay for the night?"

He smiles. "Tomorrow's school, remember?"

I sigh again, "Who cares?" First time that I am in this 'I don't care' mood.

He chuckles. "Okay, okay. Do you have a big bed?"

I'm confused, "Yeah, it's for two persons. Why?"

"I'll only sleep here if I can sleep in your bed. With you. I don't want to sleep on the couch or floor."

I push him, "NO, NEVER!"

He stands up. "Then I guess I am going to leave." He walks away.

I stand up and run after him, and take his hand and say: "Fine! You can sleep in my bed. I'll just sleep on the couch."

He rolls his eyes, "No, just come lay next to me. Who cares, right?" He imitates me.

I chuckle, "Okay, okay."

Justin's POV:

It's about 3am and we walk upstairs. We brush our teeth, Luna gave me a new toothbrush. Then we walk to her room. She has a HUGE room. I have never seen a room as huge as hers.

"Look away, I am going to change my clothes." She says.

I chuckle a little, "Okay. I'll look away." But I'll still look. Damn, she has a nice body. She is well tanned. And that ass...

"Okay, you can look again." She says. I take my shirt off, and then I pull my pants down. I always sleep in boxers. "JUSTIN!" She says.

"Yeah?" I say in my raspy - late night voice.

"You can't sleep in your boxers!" She says.

I chuckle, "I always sleep in my boxers. Who cares."

She rolls her eyes. She puts her hair in a messy bun. It's so cute. We lay down in her bed. "Goodnight, weirdo." She says.

I smile. "Goodnight babe." I give her a kiss on her cheek.

"JUSTIN?" She says again.

I chuckle, "Yeah?"

"Why did you kiss me?"

I chuckle even harder, "It was just a kiss on the cheek. I do that with girls I like."

She looks confused, "Do you like like me?" She asks.

"You'll never know. Goodnight." I say. She turns off the lamp.

Luna's POV:

It's around 12pm when I wake up. WHAT? 12PM? "JUSTIN! JUSTIN! WAKE UP, JUSTIN!" I scream. "WE ARE TOO LATE FOR SCHOOL! WAKE UP!" I scream.

He opens his eyes, "What?" he just says.


He chuckles, "Chill, Lun. We can easily skip one day." He says. Skip school? Nope.

"Not gonna happen, Justin. We have to get ready!"

He chuckles, again, "Who cares, right? Lun, just calm down. We can skip one day."

I shake my head, "What if they're going to call my-" And then I am reminded of the fact that I live alone.

"Lun, you live alone, remember? Just skip one day with me, you will see how fun this will be." He says.

"Fine. Just one day." I say.

Justin's POV:

This day is going to be so much fun. Just me, Luna, food, movies and nothing more. We're still in our pyjama's, and we don't care about school, people or whatever. We have pizza, taco's, chips, fries, burgers, everything. "This day is going to be amazing." I say. "You don't need to be afraid because of school, Lun."

She shakes her head, "I'm not." she says.

I chuckle, "You clearly are. Just chill. What movie do you want to watch?" She thinks.

"I am not really in the mood to watch a movie. Can we just watch a horror movie in the night or something?"

I smile, "Sure. But I have to go home around 8pm." I say.

She shakes her head, "NO! I don't want you to leave!" she says.

"I need to go home tonight. I am sorry, Lun." I really don't want to leave, but my mom asked if I could come home tonight. I do miss her. And Jazmyn. And Jaxon. Luna is so cute in her pyjama. She has a oversized shirt, and short on. Her hair is in a messy bun, and she is wearing her glasses. She is so attractive, I can't even handle it. "You look really hot."

She smiles and blushes. "Thank you, Jus." She has a new nickname for me, 'Jus'. Isn't it cute?

"What do you want to do?" I ask her.

She shakes her head, "Nothing." I smile, "I am okay with that."

It's 6pm, and we ordered Taco Bell. We are watching Insidious, and Luna is sitting next to me. It looks like we're a couple, cause everytime she's scared, she comes 'hug' me. It feels amazing.

"I need to go, Maria." I say, when it is 8:30pm. I call her 'Maria' sometimes, because nobody calls her like that, and she really likes that name.

She looks sad, "I don't want you to leave." she says.

"I am sorry. I'll see you soon, really." I walk to the door, and we hug. "Goodbye, Maria." I say while I give her a kiss on her MOUTH. I wanted to give a kiss on her cheek, what the fuck did I do? I'll just leave really quick. She blushes and says: "Goodnight, Jus."

Luna's POV:

It is 9:30pm and I am bored. Really bored. I miss Justin already. I really want to go to his house. Maybe I should? Wouldn't he think I am a weirdo? I just really want to go.. No, don't Luna. He'll think you're weird.

It is 10pm and I can't take it anymore. I grab my keys and I drive myself to Justin's place. I miss him and I am bored and I just need to see him and his sexy face.

I ring on the doorbell, and he opens. He has his hair really messy, but sexy. "I just couldn't take it anymore. I missed you and I was bored, and I-"

He smiles, "I just wanted to text you and ask if you wanted to sleep at my house tonight."

I smile, "I'd love to. Maybe we should skip tomorrow too?"

He chuckles, "Maria's getting bad. Okay, we can skip tomorrow too. Why not? I skipped 2 weeks of school, so sure."

I smile and I hug him, and I give him a kiss on his cheek. Okay, what did I just do? Did I just really kiss him on his cheek? What the fuck?!

Justin's POV:

She just kissed me on my cheek? Ok, I can't take it anymore. I need to look her in her eyes and kiss her. I need to. Even when we're still standing at the door, I need to kiss her. Even tho we know eachother for two days, I need to kiss her. I look her in the eyes and.. We kiss. Softly, but long. It feels amazing. Her lips are soft and they taste like.. Can't explain. It just feels amazing. She is amazing. And hot. And cute. And smart. And she needs to be my girlfriend.

Luna's POV:

We just kissed.. For like 5 minutes.. And we aren't even dating?? What did just happen.. I feel like a slut because we aren't dating. What the fuck should I do?

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