Chapter 3 ♡

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Justin's POV:

What the hell? Where did that come from? Why did we kiss for like 5 minutes straight? I never do that with girls that are my friend. "I feel like a slut." She says.

"Don't. Why would you? I guess this was just a friendly kiss. We're friends, right? Why would we just.. It was just a friendly kiss." What can I say?

She nods her head. "You're right. Just a friendly kiss. Anyway, you wanted to call me?"

I smile while we walk inside. "Yeah, wanted to ask if you wanted to stay the night?"

She sighs, "But I don't have stuff with me."

I roll my eyes, "You can borrow my shirt, and we have toothbrushes. What else do you need?"

Now she's the one rolling her eyes, "My makeup? My makeup-remover? My hairbrush? My hair stuff? My charger for my phone? Clothes for tomorrow?" She says.

"You think a lot about how you look and your makeup. Stop thinking about that, you're beautiful the way you are. And my mom sure has makeup-remover. And if you want to use makeup you can use hers. We sure have a hairbrush, and my mom can give you hair stuff. Do you have an iPhone? Cause I have 5 chargers. You can just wear the pants your wearing right now, and a sweater of mine. Anything more?"

She chuckles. "It's all okay."

I smile. "What do you want to do?"

She thinks. "I don't care. What can we do?"

I think for a long time, when my mom suddenly comes downstairs. "Justin! Clean up your room! There are clothes everywhere-" She stops talking the second she sees Luna. "Oh, hi. Justin, why not introduce me to your friend?"

I roll my eyes, "Mom, meet Luna. Luna, meet mom. Wanna go upstairs, Lun?"My mom holds me back when I try to walk upstairs.

"A nice introduce, please?" We walk to the livingroom, and my mom grabs some cookies.

"My mom is always like this. It is super annoying. I am sorry that you have to sit with her." I whisper in Luna's ear.

She smiles, "I don't mind, really! She seems nice." She whispers back. My mom walks up to us and gives us some cookies and coke.

"So, again, your name was.." My mom says.

Luna smiles, "Luna. Luna Maria Sophia Rose Grace. I have lots of names, I know! Lot of people just call me Lun, Soph or Rose."

"No one calls you Maria?" My mom answers. "No, even though I like that name a lot."

My mom smiles, "I like that name too. I will call you Maria." Mom just stole the way I call Luna.

"Justin calls me Maria too." Luna smiles. Her smile is precious. "I live alone, cause my mom passed away and my dad is always working so I would be alone anyway. I lived in England, that's why I have an accent. I have one sister, Madeline. She is 24 and moved out of the house. Oh and she's married, and has a kid. Maria, is her child's name. She is named after me. I am eighteen years old and I like singing and hanging out with Justin."

My mom kind of looks shocked, "Are you two, uhm.. da-da-t-dati-"

Luna and I both cut her off, "No!" We say.

Pattie smiles, "I wouldn't mind. You seem like a lovely girl. I would love for you to date Justin. You're different from the other girls he has dated."

Luna blushes.

"I mean it!" My mom says.

"Okay mom, its enough. We are going upstairs. Goodbye." I say.

Luna's POV:

When were upstairs, Justin says: "I am so sorry for my mom."

I smile, "She's nice! Don't be sorry."

He rolls his eyes. "She is just fucking annoying." He says. "I actually want to go outside. Come on." He says.

"Okay. Where are we going? It is 10:20pm!" I answer.

"Just come." He says.

When were outside, He walks to his motor. "No. Nope. Nuh-uh. No, no, no." I say.

He chuckles, "Just for one time, come on!"

I shake my head, "No! I am not going to join you on that thing. I want to go with the car."

He shakes his head, "That isn't romantic. Just come join me, please?" 

When were on his motor, I hold him tight. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and my head is on his back. I close my eyes, scared we'll have an accident. 'Trust him, Lun.' Voices say in my head. 'Okay.' I answer.

"We're here." Justin says. When I step off the motor, I see a beach. A blue beach, it is beautiful. Even tho it is 10:30pm, I love it.

"It is amazing." I say.

He smiles, "I know. It is where I come when I am pissed off, or hangover, you know. So my mom won't see me. Or if I want to be alone." He says.

"It is... amazing." I repeat. We walk over to the part where the water meets the sand. I take off my shoes, and I put my feet into the water. It feels cold, yet warm. The water itself is cold, but it feels warm when it meets my body. I sit down while having my feet in the water. Justin takes off his shirt and pants, so he is only wearing boxers.

"Justin, what are you doing?!" I scream.

He smiles, "Watch me." He runs into the ice cold water.

"Justin! You're crazy!" I say.

He chuckles, "Come join me!"

I shake my head, "No!"

He runs out of the water, and takes of my shirt and pants. I am in my underpants and bra!

"JUSTIN! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?" I yell at him.

He keeps laughing, "It's sexy. Come join me!" I am luckily always wearing Victoria Secret underwear, so I shouldn't really need to feel ashamed. He takes my hand, and runs into the water with me. When we're in the water we look each other in our eyes.

Justin's POV:

She has beautiful eyes. The one you can get lost in. I guess I did, cause that second we started kissing. Not just for 5 minutes. For like, 15 minutes straight. Her lips are soft. I want this to last forever.

When we finished our kissing, we just started laughing really hard. "You're such a weirdo." She says.

"Friendly kiss, huh?" We laugh even harder. I love being with her. When we stop laughing, we look each other in the eyes, again.

"Are we, like.. da-dating?" She asks.

I smile. "Only if you want to." I answer.

She smiles, "I'd love to." She says. I look her in the eyes and start kissing her even harder and longer.

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