Chapter 11 ♡

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Justin's POV:
♡ 9pm. ♡

"I want to see the Eiffel Tower tonight." Luna says.

I smirk, "Whatever you want, baby."

Luna blushes, "And like, I want to go now."

I smirk again and nod my head, "Whatever you want, remember?"

Luna smiles. "You are the best. I mean it. You are so amazing. I love you with all my heart. I love you so much it hurts."

I am kind of shocked, "You really do?"

Luna nods her head, "Yes." She walks up to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

I smile. "I love you too. So so much." 

♡ At the Eiffel Tower. ♡

"It is amazing." Luna smiles.

I nod my head, "It is."

As I try to kiss Luna, a guy walks past us, takes Luna's bag and runs away.

"Hey! Give me back my purse!" Luna tries to run on her damn high heels, but I hold her back, I start running and scream after her,

"Go back to our hotel, I'll find your purse!"

"Okay." Her voice says.

I run as fast as I can. I can see the douche that stole Lun's purse. Just a few more steps and I can take back Lun's purse. I am standing across him,

"You douche, give me back my girlfriends purse."

The guy tries to run away but I hold him back and punch him really hard. He lies on the ground and I take back Luna's purse and I run away.

"Fuck you." I scream after me. 

I open the door of our hotel room and I see Luna sitting on the bed.

"Did you get it back?"

I smile and nod my head, "Here it is, sweetie."

Luna is happy, "Oh my god, thank you so so much!" She smiles.

"No problem, hun." She hugs me and starts kissing me.

Luna's POV:

"I am really tired." I say.

Justin nods his head, "Me too."

Suddenly my phone rings so I pick up my phone.

'Hello?' I say.

'You're gonna pay for what you did.' I hear a voice saying.

'Who are you? What did I do?' I ask confused.

'You're going to pay for what you did.' The voice says.

'Who are you?' I kind of scream.

'You're going to pay for what you did.' The voice says again.

'Who are you for fucks sake?' And the person hangs up.

"Who was that?" Justin asks confused.

"I don't know, all the person kept saying was 'You're going to pay for what you did'." I answer.

Justin shakes his head, "I'll find out who called you."

I smile, "You're sweet."

Justin's POV:

Luna is already sleeping, but I can't stop thinking about that weird phone call. I walk to the balcony to get some fresh air. I grab my phone, a cigarette and my lighter. I light up my cigarette and I think even more. It could've been Acacia. Maybe I should call her. Even tho its 1pm.

'Hello, this is Acacia, who am I speaking with?' She says.

'Did you call Luna saying that she is going to pay for what she did?' I ask her.

'Oh, hello Mr. Bieber.' She says with her bitchy ass voice.

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