Chapter 12 ♡

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♡ 9 days later. ♡
Justin's POV:

"When is Maria coming over again?" My mom asks.

"I don't know. Soon, I guess. Why?"

My mom shakes her head, "I don't know, I just haven't seen her in a while."

I smile, "You care a lot about her, don't you?"

My mom nods her head, "Yes, I do. A lot."

Jaxon and Jazmyn are playing with their toys on the floor.

"When is Lun coming again?" Jazzy asks with her cute face.

I smile, "Soon!" I answer.

Jaxon looks up, "Luna!" He says.

Jaxon and Jazzy really like Luna. "Maybe I should call her. Ask if she wants to come over!" Jaxon and Jazzy are really exited, they smile and clap in their hands,

"Yes! Call Lun Pun!" I smile and grab my phone.

'Hey, Jus.'

I smile, 'Hey babe. Wanna come over?'

She giggles, 'Yes please!'

I smirk, 'See ya in a few minutes.' 

As the doorbell rings, Jazzy runs to the door to open it. "Luna!" She screams. Luna smiles and picks up Jazzy,

"Jazzy! I haven't seen you in a while. Did you miss me?" Jazzy nods her head.

"Hey, Pattie. How are you?"

My mom smiles, "Good, thank you!"

Luna smiles, "Jaxon! I missed you!"

Jaxon smiles, "I miss you!" Jaxon can't really speak really good yet.

"Wanna sit on the couch, Jazzy?"

Jazzy nods her head and Luna puts Jazmyn on the couch.

"Hey, babe." I say.

She smiles and hugs me, "Hey! I missed you so much."

I smirk, "Wanna go upstairs?"

Luna nods her head.

We sit down on my bed and start kissing. I missed her lips. We couldn't hang out for so long because of school. I hate school so fucking much. We had test week. Praise The Lord that it is over.

Luna stops kissing me, "You know what happened? Max came over again."

I am furious, "Why won't he just leave you alone, for fucks sake?"

Luna shakes her head, "I really don't know. He is so annoying. He really thinks I want him back."

I shake my head, "If he comes over to your place one more time, tell me and I will come over to his place."

♡ Few days later. ♡

I heard Acacia's transferring from school." I tell the guys at school.

Ryan looks confused, "What, why?"

I shake my head, "I don't know. But if she is, I am happy. I hate her."

Christian nods his head, "Yeah me too. I can't stand her."

Ryan nods his head, "Me neither. I heard Chaz is dating her tho."

Christian looks shocked and looks my way.

"I don't care. If Chaz is happy with that bitch I am ok with that."

Ryan's face is changing to the 'I know you're lying, Justin' face.

"I am serious!" And I really am. I couldn't care any less.

"Hey, Chaz, is Acacia transferring from school?" I ask him when I see him.

"Yeah. Oh, and I'm kinda dating her.. I hope you don't mind."

I shake my head, "I don't, really. But why is she?"

Chaz shakes his head, "I don't know. She wanted to or somethin'." 

Luna and I are walking to our English class, as I tell her that Acacia's transferring school.

"Did you hear it? Acacia's transferring school."

Luna looks confused and shakes her head, "No, why is she?"

"I don't know." I tell her.

Back home I am trying to figure out who could've called Luna. I still don't know who it could be. It's not Acacia, neither Max. Who would call her like that to tell her she's going to pay for what she did?

Luna's POV:

Suddenly my phone rings. I pick up,

'Hey, who am I speaking with?' I ask.

'Your stalker. Remember me?'

I am confused. I changed my number.. how does this person know what my new number is?

'How did you get my number?' I ask a little scared.

'What a nice white dress are you wearing. Going out with Justin?' The voice asks.

'How do you know about Justin?' I ask.

I am so scared, cause I am wearing a white dress and I am going out with Justin.

'I'm your stalker.. I know everything.'

I shake my head, 'No you don't.'

The voice chuckles, 'Oh, honey. I do.'

I blink a few times, 'How do you know?'

The voice makes a sound, 'You'll never know.'.

you'll never know ↝ jbWhere stories live. Discover now