Chapter 4

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Rose's POV

"Tell me everything." Luna says. Luna and I were waiting for Kian to pick us up and drop Luna and I off at my house. Declan, Lachlan and Josh all are busy this afternoon doing their various activities. Kian has work once he drops us off.

"Well after Chris gave me his number this morning he walked into roll call later than me. You know Florence Parish?" I ask. Luna nods.

"Yeah everyone does. She's the most popular girl in the grade." Luna says in a 'duh' tone.

"Well she asked Chris to sit next to her and he smiled at her politely and he sat next to me instead." I speak. She squeals.

"Then what happened?" She asks.

"I texted him." I smile as I hand her my phone as she scrolls through the texts.

"aww..." She mutters throughout. "This is so adorable... like it's making me sick."

"After that we walked to class together all day and talked a lot. I realised how much I miss hanging out with him like we did when we were kids. We used to be so close." I smile.

"Yeah I missed hanging out with you to, Rosie." I hear a familiar voice say. Luna's eyes widen. I turn to face him as I feel my face turn red. This is horrifying.

"Hey Chris..." I say softly. He walks towards me and smiles.

"Rosie it's all cool. I'm glad you missed the old times because I do to." Chris says. I notice Luna has wondered off.

"Wel-" I begin.

"Well if it isn't Chris Lanzon." I hear a voice behind me. Oh gosh what is this horrify Rose day. I turn to see my brother, Kian smiling at Chris warningly as he wraps his arm around me protectively.

"Hi Kian." Chris speaks carefully.

"Rose we need to get going. I have work in half an hour. Luna's already in the car." Kian speaks to me. I know if I turn my back Kian's going to question Chris to death.

"I'll meet you there." I smile.


"Meet you there Kian." I interupt him. He mutter something under his breath and watches us from the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow Chris." I smile.

"Yeah. I'll text you tonight." Chris grins and looks at me before smiling and walking the opposite way. I walk to the car but not before hearing Chris shout to me.

"Rosie! umm... do you wanna maybe hang out after school tomorrow? I feel like it's time we catch up." Chris asks. Wow...

"Well I actually have soccer training tomorrow and Wednesday." I state sadly.

"Oh well maybe we can hang out straight after school on Thursday at the shops or something and then we can have your lesson at my house." He smiles.

"That actually sounds great!" I smile.

"Great! I'll see you later!" Chris grins. I internally scream.

"Bye Chris." I smile.

Can it just be Thursday yet?


"oh come on Lachlan..." I groan.

"Show me your phone!" He demands.

"Why should I?" I muse.

"Umm cAUSE YOU'RE TEXTING A BOY!" Josh interrupts.

"Well I hate to break it to you my dear brothers... but you're not my dads. You have no right. You have no right to go snooping through my phone. I'm allowed to have boy friends." I state. They gasp in horror. "as in guys that are friends." I add.

"You already have Blake." Declan speaks. "we let you keep Blake." I roll my eyes. I pick up my phone and walk up to my room with my brothers following me. Luckily I put a lock on my door.

"Come out Rose." Kian says through the door.

"Ummm... no." I say as I flop onto my bed. I feel my phone buzz next to me.

Hey :) ~ C

Well hello...

Hi Chris! What's up? ~ R

"Come on!" Declan speaks up.

"Na..." I say.

Nothing much. What are you doing? ~ C

Hmmm... I look at my open balcony. I could sneak out. Not the first time trying to escape my brothers.

I think I'm gonna sneak out. My brothers won't stop bugging me. ~ R

I see Chris begin to reply.

Meet me at Lois Shops in 5 ~ C

Well if you insist...

Be there in a bit! ~ R

I text my mum and explain the situation and she tells me it's fine. I climb down the balcony as I hear Josh yell at my door. I walk to Lois Shops and smile as I see Chris playing his guitar and singing I See Fire by Ed Sheeran.

"Aww man I should've brought my guitar and accompanied you." I laugh. He chuckles as he plays the final chord. "What a coincidence to find you here on this Monday afternoon, Christopher." I smile.

"Indeed Rosalina." He smirks. Oh no he did not.

"Christopher Lanzon how dare you use that horrible name?" I gasp. He knows I hate my full name. He laughs.

"Sorry Rosie." He grins.

"Whatever. So Chris what are you singing next? I want to see if it's worth donating to a busker." I smile.

"Hmm I was gonna pack up but since you are here. Sing a song with me." He says.

"Chris-" I begin.

"I know you can still sing. We used to sing with each other all the time. Please." He says.

"Fine. What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"Lego house." He smiles.

"Lego house." I nod.


"Thanks Chris... you know for keeping me company while escape my brothers." I smile as we approach my house. Chris told me he was walking me home. After we sung I helped Chris pack up and we just hung out and went to Oliver Brown. (A/N gosh I love Oliver Brown... If you don't know what it is it's a chocolate cafe... they don't just sell chocolate)

"No problem at all. If you ever just need anyone to hang out with just ask. We could go out busking once I teach you a piece." He smiles as I see my house in the distance.

"Chris I can see my house from here. I can walk from here. You need to get home too." I say. Chris stops and shakes his head no.

"Rose I'm walking you to your door. I'm stopping by Scott's anyway and he lives just up the street." Chris says. I look up at him as checks the time on his phone.


We approach my door and I stop right in front of the door.

"Once again, thanks Chris."

"Anytime." Chris grins. I open the door slowly as Chris walks down the driveway and waves. I wave back. I shut the door behind myself.



Be prepared for a new character next chapter! BTW I made up Lois shops. I mean I'm sure it might exist somewhere but I made it up for the story.

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