Chapter 20

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Hey so trigger warning later in the chapter there are dark themes... Your choice to read! ALSO DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY

Chris's POV

Rosie and Luna have been in the bathroom for a while now. I pull out my phone to text Rosie to see if she's ok but Blake grabs my phone out of hand.

"Relax Chris they always take this long trust me they have been my best friends for years." Blake tries to assure me. Ethan smirks at my nervous state.

"Christopher I can't believe I didn't realise it before! You are falling in love with her!" Ethan says with a sly smirk. Jakob agrees with a huge grin. My cheeks go red.

"Maybe..." I say quietly. They cheer.

"Just wanna say I am the one-"

"Ethan we get it you pushed them together!" Jakob groans into Ethan's shoulder.

"Hey boys!" One of the girls from the rival team smiles flirtatiously at me.

"Umm... Hi?" I say almost as a question.

She moves closer to me. "The names Britney but you can call me Brit..."

"Nice to meet you and all but I need to check on my girlfriend..." I say as I stand up.

"What's the rush?" She says as she rubs her hand down my arm. I jerk it away. All of a sudden Luna stalks over angrily and mutters something to Blake before standing up to Britney for insulting my girlfriend. I should be defending her.

I was about to say something before I look over to Rosie. She looked so down and sad, she avoided eye contact not wanting to look me in the eye. It hurt. Ethan says something to her before beginning to guide her out the place. I attempt to ask Ethan if I can go with before he nods no and takes her outside.

I look at Luna, my jaw clenches. "what did they say about her?"

Everyone turns to me. Luna seemed nervous to tell me. That made me more upset.

"Luna tell me..." I say.

"They basically said she wasn't good enough to be with you..."

My heart clenches at her words. I look at Britney who looks down. I shake my head. I run out the restaurant to see her crying into Ethan on the floor. He kisses her head and whispers soothing words.

That should be me.



Rose's POV

"I'm not good enough for him Ethan... Look at me I'm not as beautiful as those girls." I cry into him.

"You're beautiful Rose! Don't let outside words effect you! Normally these things don't effect you.... what's going on?" Ethan asks.

I think about it for a moment. This wasn't all about Chris. Ever since I was little I felt a little out of place. I was definitely not the favourite in Primary school due to the fact I dressed more tomboyish and hung out only with boys.

Girls would tear me down little by little about how I looked. They reduced me to tears at some point but they'd never know that, I would never give them the satisfaction of my tears. I would go home and shut myself in my bathroom begging and pleading for it to stop.

That stopped when I met Noah, he would always tell me to be the best I could be. He encouraged me to start soccer and it made me more confident and comfortable around girls, and I realised not all girls were scary and evil.

I long forgot how I felt till today. I would bury those scars deep. No one knew how much I hated myself, well except Noah. I need to let more people in about this.

At the thought of letting people in on this I begin to find it harder to breathe. Why do I have to have a panic attack now? Ethan realises and begins to help me through it seeming to know everything about them.

He sits me down and I hide into him. Ethan speaks to me softly trying to calm me down. I'm so broken.

"Rosie..." I look up to see Chris. As soon as he saw my face he looked hurt. Ethan helps me up and I look at Chris for a while.

"Hold me Chris..." I almost command. He immediately pulls me into his strong chest, I smell his familiar cologne I've grown accustomed to over the two months we've been together.

Eventually Blake, Luna and Jakob join us outside and we all leave. Blake and Luna walk home together since the lived next door to each other. Jakob and Ethan were sleeping over at Chris's but Chris wanted to walk me home alone so he told them to meet him there.

"I hate myself..." I say to Chris. He looks over to me, his face masked in shock.


"Chris I know what you are going to say. First hear me out. Ever since I was little I was tormented by these girls in school for years. They would insult my body and clothes. They would call me ugly and tell me my clothes were cheap. They didn't know at the time that we couldn't afford expensive clothes since my dad walked out on us." I explain, my hand begins to shake at the mention of my dad. I hated that I still considered him my father after everything.

"Eventually I started to believe them. I would do everything to make myself good enough for them, it never worked. No one knows about my body imaging issues except Noah. My mum always was at work and my brothers were at work and I was alone with my thoughts. I would cover my scars, sometimes I just wanted to let myself bleed out... I stopped hating myself once I met Noah but today just dug up old memories." I say.

"I'm so messed up Chris..." I mumble. "I get it if you don't want to be with me after this-"

"Rosie I love you so much you are the most amazing friend. I know it's soon to love you but you are my best friend, we were best friends for years before this. You are so perfect and if anything what those girls said wasn't true. I'm out of your league. You are so beautiful... I'd never end our relationship over this!" Chris says passionately.

I hug Chris smiling into him. "I love you too..."


Just to make things clear they love each other like best friends would! They do love each other in a relationship way too but they don't really know it yet. I was gonna cause some serious drama but I'm to scared to so I will later not now!

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