Chapter 14

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Chris's POV

"Your music is amazing Chris!" Florence praises me as we sit in a small café. "Are you writing anything?"

"Thanks. Yeah I'm starting to write more songs." I say as I think of my recent songs. All of them are about Rosie. "So what artists are you into?"

"I'm into music in right now or like electro kind of stuff."

Rosie dislikes electro. She thinks it's not natural, she can appreciate it but she isn't a huge fan.

All I can think of is Rosie. 

Why did I say yes to this? I'm just leading Florence on.

My phone vibrates on the table.

"Sorry." I say as I pick it up and read the message.

You're such an idiot 🙄 - E

"Who is it?" Florence asks.

"My friend from the Voice kids." I say.

"Ethan?" She practically squeals.

"Yeah." I say as I type a reply. "How did you know?"

In what way? 🤔 - C

"Ummm just a hunch." She says suspiciously.

Why are you on a date with another girl?? What about Rosie?? - E

"Chris I'm really glad you agreed to hang out with me."

I don't know what I'm doing - C


Leave this 'date' and go to Rosie's house and confess your love - E

"I'm sorry. I like someone else. It took me a while to realise that. I have to go." I explain.

"It's Rose isn't it?"

"It's always been Rose for me, I'm sorry." I apologise.

"Go to her."


Rose's POV

I'm such an idiot.

"What are you thinking about?" Ethan asks.

We are currently skyping because we are both procrastinating on doing actual work.

"Chris is on a date." I say.

"What?" Ethan frowns. "Hang on a second." He begins to type a message on his phone.

"Ethan please don't do something stupid!" I say.

"I'm not I'm just setting him straight."

"If he's happy Ethan just let him be with her." I sigh.

"No way! I will not accept it! You two are perfect for each other." He exclaims. 

Damn I'm hungry.

"I'm just gonna grab some food." I say. I carry my laptop through the house showing Ethan all the food my brothers have left untouched.

"Ooooo that looks good." He says as I show him the unopened Pizza shapes.

I was currently home alone so I can raid the pantry in peace with no judgement. The doorbell chimes as I stuff my face with chips.

"Hang on Etho." I say as I pop a chip into my mouth.

"Ok." I hear him say as he concentrates on his phone.

I grab the bag and walk to the door.

"H- Chris?" I speak. "Aren't you on a date?"

"I wouldn't call it a date." He says. "You weren't there."


"No Rosie let me say something first." Chris begins. " I really like you. Like maybe even love and I realised it as I sat there with Florence. Something was missing and I wasn't sure till Ethan texted me. She wasn't you. So Rosie please just tell me how you feel?"

"I like you too." I say. Chris grins in excitement.

I pull his head down and press my lips against his. The sensation was so sweet and amazing. He was shocked but soon he kissed me back.

""HA TOLD YOU SO!" Ethan screeches from the kitchen. We split apart.

"Come on!" I grab his hand and lead him to the kitchen. Just before we come into view on the laptop screen Chris plants a quick kiss to my lips.

"Yay you came back! And with some eye candy." Ethan laughs through the screen.

"Never say that again." Chris smirks. We walk upstairs with Chris carrying my laptop and sit on my bed. He sets the laptop on the end of the bed and he wraps his arm around my waist and he pulls me closer.

"Hey I pushed you two together I think I'm entitled." Ethan smiles. "And right on time to! Since I visit this weekend it means I won't be a third wheel cause Jakob's there!"

"Is that who you've been texting?" I smirk. He blushes. 

"Ummm... No." He lies with an embarrassed smile.

If my brain wasn't completely consumed with Chris at the moment I'd question him more. 

But my brain was completed consumed by him. His beautiful eyes, his dazzling smile that could make a nun all hot and bothered and his caring heart.

He's just in my mind.

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