Chapter 1

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"Zoé where are you? You said you'd be at my house in like 10 and now it's been FREAKING 27 minutes!"

"Calm down Lulu! I had to go to Target and I'm on my way there."

"TARGET? It is 10:35 PM girl!"

"I know. I know. It's just that I ran out of everything and my studies keep me really busy.."

"You haven't been at my place in ages.. I really miss you Zoé!"

"I miss you too Lulu. It's just really challenging. I promise you I hurry up and be at your-"

"Don't. Just don't okay? If you're busy we'll meet some other time."

"Please don't be mad Lulu.. I know if been the worst friend ever but when this semester is over we'll be haning out EVERYDAY, okay?"

"I'm not mad.. Just worried. You are stressed out hun and I don't like that. Just go shopping and gimme a call tomorrow. Right?"

"Sure. Love you Lulu."

"I love you too and try not to be so stressed out, kay?"

"Alright." I sighed and clicked the red button to cancel the call.

The cold rain was falling down, splurging against the windshield of my black SUV. Almost blocking the view of where I was driving. Yet the huge red 'Traget' sign wasn't failable.

It was really late for going grocery shopping, I knew that, but I never had time during the day with all of my school work. I was in my last year of High School and I really wanted my grades to be amazing, so I did all I could to let that happen. 

The parking lot was half full, which surprised me, and the weather was the worst in ages in New York City. It was pouring for 3 days now, the sky was clouded and grey and the temperature dropped at least to 14 degrees (Fahrenheit) and it was just the beginning of december.

Anywho I had to hurry up when I wanted to be back home soon. The next day was my spanish test and I was nervous as hell about that.

Just when I jumped out of my car (yes I am that short to have to jump out) I landed in a puddle of cold water. "Oh shit!" Pissed off and with cold, wet feet I made my way over to the shopping carts and into the warmth of the store.

It's Christmas time, and there's no need to be afraid

At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade

And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy

Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time

The cheesy christmas music blasted through the speakers, making me even more angry that I already was. Don't get me wrong but when I am pissed off and there is some 'calm-down' song around me I get even more furious than I already am. 

To my best luck the shopping cart had a defect roll, making it hard to push the cart aorund the edgy corner of the entrance. Wonderful! Someone wants to mess with me, how can this day possibly get any worse?

My shopping list was long, I haven't been able to come here for at least 3 weeks. 


Bananas  x2

Poptarts (Strawberry) x4



"Argh! That is in the back!" I muttered angrily to myself, putting the note back in my purse. That's what I get for not coming here for so long - I got to do everything tonight. PLUS everything I thought I knew where it is was at a complete different place. That's what they do EVERY YEAR, they change every single aisle so that you have to go look through all the stuff. 

"Just wonderful. Excuse me Madam?" I asked a woman in her late 40s, wearing the typical red uniform and some nerdy glasses.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Her laugh was the nicest I have seen in a long time, showing dimples in her rosy cheeks.

"Where can I find the Poptarts and Frozen Berries?"

"That is all at the very back in the left corner, you can't miss it." I sighed annoyed I had to walk back there.

"Thank you madam!"

"You are welcome honey - and a little advice: Just give the cart a little kick and it will roll again!" I giggled at her preppy personality and she winked nicely at me.

"Nice to see that some people enjoy their jobs even at that hour! Thank you!" There were indeed people loving their jobs.

After kicking the cart aggresively, and letting out my bad mood, I made my way through the nicely decorated store. It is so different at night, almost creepy without that many customers and most of all with the mannequins around the clothing department. Shrugging my shoulders I went on, crossing the things off my list, I placed them in my cart.

"Where are you? Where aaaare yoooou?" I muttered impatiently looking through the freezers, shivering from the now cold environment. Should've let them gloves on.. I thought.

"Theeeeere you are!" My voice was exclaimed, my fingers freezing against the plastic bag in my hands. What I heard then send shivers down my spine. Dropping my bag at the floor, my mouth automatically opened but nothing came out. My hands were trembling and my knees were getting weak. 


A gun shot. Something I thought I'd never have to hear in my life again. All kinds of thoughts flashed in my head but one stuck out: GO HIDE YOURSELF AND CALL THE COPS!

Suddenly my mind was clear again, my body just working without really thinking what I was doing. I kneed down to my brown leather purse, looking for my Blackberry, but without success.

In times like these I hated being a girl and having a stuffed bag with really unnecessary stuff in it. I rummaged through everything but the Blackberry was gone.

"NO NO NO NO NO!! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! NO NO NO!" My hands ruffled thorugh my golden curls, desperate. All I could do now was: HIDING. Just then the cheerish music turned off and a dark, male voice sounded thorugh the blasters:

"All the customers that are not at the front in 30 seconds won't be able to go on with their precious lifes!"

And then hell broke loose. I heard screaming, men, women, old, young, every kind of customer was running to the front, hoping for mercy. And I was at the back of the store not having a slight chance of getting there in now I guess 25 seconds. I was fucked! 

Nervously glancing aroung I grabbed my bag and sprinted to a small gap between two freezers, dropping myself to the floor. My knees at my torso and a hand over my mouth, blocking myself from giving any kind of noise, all I could do now was wait. Wait and try to stop tears from falling to the tile floor.

Wait in the freezer section of a grocery store. And I thought this day couldn't get any worse!


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Take care,

Jessica :D

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