Battle for Zugspitze Peak: Part One

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The year is 2067, you'd think from all the films and television shows we watch, the future'd be full of flying cars and laser weapons. Well think again. Its full of death, clans, poverty, scavenging and the whole world is split into two bits. The clans or gangs are one half and if you're with them then you're safe, well not really but you're in a better position than the other side. The rich. Protected by heavily armed squads and the army. The war between the two sides has been raging since the fall of the American, Chinese, British and Russian government. Ever since havoc and chaos has roamed the lands.

My name is Steven Hinge and I'm a staff Sergeant army officer based in Germany, Munich and I protect a high priority nanotechnology scientist. He is creating a way to wipe out a disease that is starting to spread the lands. Its called bullderestisitus. Its a fungus that has come along because of the poverty and the lack of hygiene in the world at the moment. The disease spreads easily and multiples 3 times the normal multiplying rate of any microorganism which makes it fast acting. It also can mutate quickly which means that no antibiotic has been able to save anyone yet. It peels of the skin and can decay and destroy organs within 72 hours of contact. This makes it the fastest, most deadliest, most scariest disease to ever roam the lands of earth. And the scientist that im protecting, Dr Heindenburg, believes he has found a way to save everyone from this terrible disease. We pakced up all our stuff and headed towards a black van.

We had a four man team, they were the most elite task force in the world. Simeons was a Spanish Sniper Marksman, Mikel was a South American demolitions expert and Sam was a British well, he had a very good shot with pretty much any machine gun known to man and he was an amazing asset to the team. Whereas me. Im an American and I came top at my class for everything to do with combat. Im team leader and also, one of the deadliest men in this..... destructive world of horror. I looked at my team, "Ready?" I asked my team, they cocked their weapons and nodded. I then looked at Dr Heindenburg who worridly nodded also. "Well lets get this show on the road and save the world fella's!" We drove out of our warehouse we were based in and headed to the tallest mountain in Germany, Zugspitze, to deploy the nanophages and destroy bullderestisitus. Time to roll....

                                 ....................To Be Continued................In Part Two.................

Battle for Zugspitze Peak: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now