Battle for Zugspitze Peak: Part Two

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We had been based in the Munich country side, well, what was left of it. After the collapse of the German government, everyone turned against each other, riots and looting took place. Everything rotted or decayed buildings were destroyed and the country side became a barren wasteland. The warehouse was in the middle of a forest and although the bare naked tree's were not much cover it was enough so it didn't stick out like a sore thumb. So we left the warehouse in a big 8 seater armoured black SUV equipped with knee-cappers, bulletproof windows and a mounted machine gun with shield that was next to a whole were one of us would go up to in case of a firefight for some extra firepower or protection. So anyway Sam hoped up onto the machine gun, cocked it and said with a badass British accent "Ready boss." I drove the car and Dr Heindenburg sat next to me in the passenger seat. Mikel and Simeons sat behind us with their windows partially down and their weapon nozzles pointed out ready for and battles or enemies that will face them.

I drove quite smoothly through the forest then into the Munich outskirts. When we hit the main roads we had to drive slow and keep our eyes peeled. An ambush could happen at any second or we could get blown up by a IED on the side of the road. What made it worse is that the big main roads were fulled of deserted, destroyed cars so any of the could have a hidden spy or a bomb inside which would screw us over quite a bit. I drove for about 10 minutes along the main road till we hit the freeway in which was filled with even more cars. We drove along the freeway for about 3 minutes until afew cars blocked the way.

"Aint no way we gettin' through that one fella's, we'll need to put some good ol' elbow grease to get through here!" I told the team that sat or stood stationary behind me. "Doctor, stay put me and the team will solve this" I said assuringly to the Doctor, he nodded them looked back at the case he hadnt taken his eyes of since he stepped into the SUV. So me and the team got out the car and each started to push the cars that blocked our way. One by one we moved the veichles out of the way from knocked over motorbikes to sedans and big SUV's like ours. It took it only five minutes as we were a strong bunch of lads. As we walked back to the SUV Sam, Mikel and Simeons got in the car. I stopped inches away from the car. I squinted and tried to focus my hearing. Thats when I realised. Sam jumped onto the gun and Mikel and Simeons took their places behind opened doors and aimed down their sits. I jogged over to the car picked up my gun and aimed it at where my team was focused upon. Sam was the first one to spot them. "3 TARGETS! 3 SUV'S! SCRATCH THAT 5, NO WAIT 6, SHIT THEY WONT STOP COMING" He shouted at us. "Boys dont open fire until I say, or if they do first" I ordered my fellow team mates. The cars pulled up about 10 meters away from ours. "Hello Steve" I heard a familiar voice from the cars. This journey was about to become a whole lot harder

Battle for Zugspitze Peak: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now