Ch 15- Silent Night

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Playlist For This Chapter:
-All I Want For Christmas (Mariah Carey)
-Silent Night (by whoever;)

Kaylieh's POV:

"Dad!!" I screamed running into his arms.

"Sweet Pea!" he screamed back, though in a much deeper voice.

We were in the middle of the airport. I had purposely lost Austin as I didn't want him to see me cry. He had also gone to pick up his mom. His dad passed when he was sixteen months old.. That was something we never really talked about though.

"It's so good to see you," my dad gushed.

I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks. I had really missed him. It was only 2 and a half months since I had seen him last, but with this schedule it feels like years.

"It's good to see you too."

He finally let go of me, and I turned to Melissa.

"Hey, sweetie! How has everything been? Are you loving the famous life?!" she squealed.

I hugged her quickly and laughed.

"It's been great, but I'm not that famous!" I responded chuckling.

"You are in our book," she said motioning between my dad and herself.

After calling Austin, we decided to meet out in the parking lot by our cars.

I now had a white Mustang thanks to the money from the tour. I guess you could say I was swaggin'.

Just kidding. I was renting it.

"You must be Kaylieh! I have heard so much about you! I'm Michele! It's so great to finally meet you!" she cheerfully screeched almost annoyingly.

"Yes, and I have heard so much about you as well! This is my dad, Ken, and this is my step-mom, Melissa," I said to Austin and Michele. "Dad, Melissa, this is Austin and his mom, Michele."

They exchanged "hello's" and what not, and we piled into our separate cars heading off for the hotel for them to unpack.

"Next up we have Austin Mahone and new comer, Kaylieh Claire with All I Want For Christmas Is You!" the loud, flamboyant man announced over the murmuring of the large crowd surrounding the outdoor stage.

The audience applauded as we walked out.

I swallowed my nerves as I situated myself by Austin.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas..

There is just one thing I need.."
I sang smoothly earning a light applause from the audience.

Austin picked up the next lines, "I don't care about the presents..

Underneath the Christmas tree.."

*Insert Clapter*

"I just want you for my own..

More than you could ever know.."
we harmonized.

"Make my wish come true," I sang extremely similar sounding to Mariah Carey and earning an uproar of talking and clapping.

"All I want for Christmas..


we harmonized once again.

I walked off the stage grinning from ear to ear. I high fived Austin as we strolled backstage.

"Great job, Mariah!" Austin teased in the most complimentary way possible.

"Thank you. Same for you, Justin-"

He groaned.

"Don't say Beiber," he whined rubbing his temples.

"I was going to say Timberlake, you turd," I snapped sticking my tongue out at him.

We hung out with other stars backstage for a while. Austin eventually scooted away to a red haired bi.. biscuit.. Yeeeahh.. Well, anyways, I hung out with Ashley Olsen.

She remembered seeing me at the hospital earlier! Can you imagine? ASHLEY OLSEN REMEMBERING YOU!

She was extremely nice and told me that we should go clubbing sometime before I leave. We even exchanged numbers!


Before I could face the screaming Irish boy, whom I could see running towards me out of the corner of my eye, he rammed into me.

"You did amazing! Oh my gosh! Your voice has improved, not that it needed to, but you did amazing! That was absolutely wonderful, amazingly fantastic, extraordinarily-"

"Niall!! Stop!! You're killing me!!" I yelped under his harsh yet friendly embrace.

He laughed.

"Sorry, babe! Come on," he demanded.

"Where are we- Niall!"

Before I could ask where we were going, Niall had grabbed my wrist and was taking me to God knows where!

When we finally slowed to a walking pace, I noticed we were in a private garden with beautiful flowers and plants and little lights all over.

"Niall.. This is so.. amazing.. I.. I.. have no words.." I sighed in awe looking over the edge of the building and into New York City.

I felt his hands wrap around my upper arms as he stood behind me.

"I know.." he whispered.

I shivered at his touch.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"I got you a Christmas present.." he said hesitantly.

"Niall, I-"

But before I could deny it, he pulled out a small box and opened it.

A silver infinity sign with a stream of tiny diamonds across the front shimmered in front of me.

He looked at me expectantly, but I couldn't seem to form words.

When he realized I couldn't speak, he continued, "It's a sign of our friendship. No matter what happens, we will always be best friends."

He put his index finger under my chin and pushed my jaw up.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

No one has ever gotten me a gift like this; a gift with meaning, friendship and love. It's a gift no one ever thought to buy me. One I thought no one would ever care to buy me.

I quickly threw my arms around his neck letting a tear drop onto his shoulder.

"Thank you, Niall. You have no idea how much it means to me," I cried sweetly.

He murmured something I couldn't understand.

I released his neck with a questioning look, but loud pops filled my ears.

"Hey, look. It's Christmas.." he whispered softly looking up.

I mirrored his gaze to see bright reds, greens and whites flashing in the sky followed by loud pops. The fireworks were beautiful.

He kept his arms around my waist, and I kept mine loosely around his neck.

I heard lots of talking from below the building, and very faintly, I heard Silent Night being sang sweetly.

I put my head on his shoulder and swayed to the music.

He got the message and pulled me closer.

"I love you, Ni."

"I love you too, Kay Kay."

I realized at that point in time that I still had feelings, strong feelings, for him, my best friend.

(A/N: While "Kay Kay" and "Ni" are besties, my bestie and I are not... We're kind of fighting, but I still love her to death.. And our mutual bestie is taking her side and is kind of mad at me too because I told my bestie that the guy she liked was a jerk.. There's a lot more to the story, but I, being the baby I am, cried... a lot.. Ugh. Well, I'm actually on the toilet as I write this author's note.. So.. Yeah.. And usually I don't say "bestie," cuz that's too mainstream, ya know? Only have half a day at school tomorrow and half of it will be spent watching the talent show! It's flippin awesome, except for the fact I have math an extra 25 minutes, and my math etcher is absolutely insane. Like one time she started a conversation with the wall. We all just sat there like wutthaheckk is her problem. It was a bit disturbing. Follow me on twitter || @1D_5SOS_myheart

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