the beginning.

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today was my first day of middle school. was i excited? yes. was i nervous? no. i was only 12 years old, and entering the 7th grade. not one butterfly was fluttering in my stomach that morning. 

as i walked down the steps to enter the kitchen, my mom was cooking pancakes on the griddle.

"excited?" she asked, keeping her focus on the frying pan. 

"of course!" i answered. i probably sounded too enthusiastic. after all, it was 6:30 am on a monday. 

"let's hope you don't get lost." my mom said with a chuckle, flawlessly moving the pancakes from the pan to my soon to be plate. 

"oh, i won't ma." i smiled and grabbed the plate, sitting down at the table. 

as i gobbled down my pancakes, i heard a faint thud coming down the stairs. it had to be my sister.

"good morning layla!" 

i turned around in my chair to flash her a smile.

"good morning eric." layla said, half awake.

layla is my 18 year old sister. she's been through middle school and highschool with ease. i almost knew i would follow in her footsteps. after all, we're related. 

as the morning continued, i felt those little butterflies start to develop in the pit of my stomach. 

layla was brushing her teeth in the upstairs bathroom, the door wide open. as i passed the bathroom, she gave me a nod.

"nervous?" she said, a mouth full of toothpaste.

"no, no. not at all." i continued walking, glancing at the clock.

6:50! my bus was scheduled to come at 7:00. becoming even more nervous,

i slipped on a t-shirt that i had wore earlier in the week. earlier in the week when it was summer. 

it smelled like grass, but i wore it anyway.

i ventured into my mom and dads room. findning my dads cologne, i sprayed some.

"that'll take care of the smell." i said to myself, walking back down to the kitchen.

"ready mom!" i said, putting my backpack on with ease.

"alright hun." my mom grabbed the keys, leading me out to the car.

i was so excited for my first day of 7th grade.

who knew everything was about to take a turn.

as i walked into school, i saw tons of familiar faces. 

some upper classmen passed me by, but i knew this was going to be great.

before leaving the house, i wrote my locker combination on my arm.

i rolled up my sleeve, searching the lockers.

"108!" i exclaimed, running down to my new locker.

next to my locker was a girl who looked unfamiliar. she had

straight black hair to her shoulders, with bangs cut straight across

her forehead. i gave her a small smile,

carefully putting in my combination from on my arm.

"hi.. i'm kira." a soft voice said, interrupting my concentration.

"oh, hi kira. i'm eric." i said, quickly rolling my shirt back down.

"oh, it's okay, i wasn't looking at your combination." kira laughed quietly, closing her locker

with a loud thud. 

"i'm new this year.. do you know where room 242 is? that's my homeroom." she pulled

out a piece of paper, studying it carefully.

slowly, i rolled my sleeve up again.

"hey, that's my homeroom." i smiled, looking around.

"not quite sure, let's find it together, now that i know where my locker is."

we walked the halls, finally finding 242.  

as i entered the room, i realized the majority

of students were boys. there were four girls; twelve boys. including me and kira.

naturally, i got along with girls better. this was bad news for me. 

i had one boy friend. his name was tyler. he moved schools over the summer,

so it was almost like i had to start over with friends. although, i was happy meeting


kira ventured off with the girls, and i sat down at my desk, playing

with the fresh new pencil they had sitting on every desk.

the group of boys kept laughing and looking over at my direction. 

after a couple minutes, i started to get uncomfortable. 

i turned around to look at them. 

"hey, fag, nice combination you got there."

a heavy, tall boy with a buzzcut laughed as he held up a paper.

i could barely make out what was stated on the piece of paper,

but i knew one thing; it was my combination.

quickly, i turned around, pulling my sleeve down.

"hello class, welcome to middle school! my name is mrs. padella and i will be your homeroom teacher for this school year."

i drownded out mrs. padella's voice, thinking back to what that kid had told me. 

i didn't know his name, so i just called him 'the fat kid.'

according to 'the fat kid' i was a fag. i didn't know what a fag was.

the way he said it made it sound bad. i shrugged, and the homeroom bell rang.

"if you need any help finding your next class, come ask me." mrs. padella sat back down at her desk, as the group of boys passed me, laughing. i noticed there were only three people

left in the room. me, kira, and mrs. padella.

"eric, are you alright? i heard what those boys called you. they must be horrible boys, don't ever listen to them again." kira said to me at the end of the day.

"i'm fine.. i don't even know what a fag is.. i don't even get.."

kira cut me short.

"eric, a fag is not a good thing to be called. just ignore them, please. pinky swear you'll ignore them

for the rest of school." kira held out her pinky.

"alright.." i looped my pinky around hers, making a permanent swear i wasn't even sure of.

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