Chapter 1

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So this is my second story that I have been working on recently. The idea just struck me during the last week and I had to share. You can also read my other story, Let me in boyxboy.

Please fan, vote and feel free to leave any comments. I really wants comments and any feed back I can get.

Much love Shade <3 Chuuuuu ^x^


Linus poem from the near future

"I can't stand having any sort of distance inbetween us. If you leave I will fall into a deep slumper the world will rotate but it's colors will remain forever dull to me. You fill the air with you fragrance and the scent of sweetness over power my all senses. You eyes are more like angles wings than stars. Because they are softer and purer than any other godly light. It's not fair to say that you are of this earth because nothing in the heavens or univers can be compared to you. I can't leave you, I am bound forever to you, I am your lover as you are mine. I found you now, and I can't let go..."

Written by shadewolf19


"Oh mom, it's perfect!" The bride to-be gushed as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She was on the brink of tears as she turned around she saw her wedding planner stand there with a handkerchief.

"Ah thank you Eli!" She dabbed her eyes with it and then walked over to her maid of honor and mother to hear their praise about the lovely wedding gown she was wearing.

This was one of those moments Eli loved about his work. The look of happiness when the bride found her wedding gown was priceless. One step closer to complete the preparations for her special day. It all made him dream about having his own perfect wedding. Then it was the thought of taking the wows together one person you wanted to spend the rest of his life. To say "Yes I do" to the man he loved and have him return the love.

Eli Walker was a cute twenty-one year old blond with a sensitive smile the made people easily take liking to him. He had an average height and a slender but toned profile. His eyes were of a light blue tone with hint of lavender. And as you might know by now, yes he was gay and had been out of the closet since the end of high school. If you got it wrong, the job as a wedding planner might have been a giveaway.

He snapped out of his day dream, smiled and made a few notes on his clip board just as an Asian sales attendant came up to him.

She whispered in his ear "I take it that they have made their decision?"

He nodded "Yes I believe so this was her 20th dress she tried on. By the way Surri, how's the new apartment?"

Surri had been Eli's best friend since freshman year when they both were in high school. They had noticed that the shared similar passion and both ended up working in the same industry. Also they had remained and lived in the same city and saw each other quite frequently on professional basis. Sometimes they attended the same weddings either as guests or for work.

"It is wonderful, I and Mike are so happy with it and the view is just splendid."

"That is good to hear, I know you were really lucky to get it"

"Oh I know, thank god Mike's brother knew the right people."

"Contacts are everything nowadays."



They looked over at their client who was still being fawned all over by her party of female relatives and friends. Eli notice that Surri seemed to be struggling internally and she wanted to talk about whatever it was she was holding in. She kept fidgeting with the button to the arm of her shirt.

Eli sighed "I know you want to speak to me about something so spit it out!"

She pouted at this and he found it amusing. He knew she hated it when he could read her like an open book. The drawback was that she could read him just as easily. But that is how their friendship worked.

Surri took a deep breath and began with "Are you going to the Evans Wedding this coming Saturday?"

Josh Evans happened to be the owner of the florist shop that Evan often came to with orders for the weddings he planned. Josh was also a close friend of his and Surri's. Evan had not planned the Wedding but he was invited and so was Surri.

Eli chewed on his tongue; he had a strong inclination to what the next question after this was going to be.


Surri looked at him with her head tilted sideways. She always did that when she wanted to get something from him or any particular information out of him

"You have a date for it?"

And there it was the big elephant had entered the room and was standing inside of Eli's personal space. Eli turned his head and looked out the window. He needed a distraction anything to change the subject.

"Hey Su do you want a coffee? They have the best coffee shop right around the block."


"You know they also sell those little mini scones that you like so much."


"What? You want ice tea instead because they have that too"

"ELI! Stop stalling, a simple yes or no would do."

Eli's shoulders slumped "No"

Surri gave him sympathetic look. Her friend needed a serious boost in his dating life.

"It's just that I have the ability to set you up with someone I met a while ago. He is quite a catch and I have heard only good things about him..."

"That's enough Su, if I wanted a date I would have gotten one."

Surri just rolled her eyes "Yeah I know, but as it is you are not even trying to pick up anyone at the wedding or clubs we go to. Most of those men that hit on are actually good guys and not all are scumbags. You know not men all are like Aaron."

"Yes I do know, but I'm just not ready."Eli made an attempt to steer away from the subject at hand once again. "Is Mike coming?"

"No, he is not he is busy with a new project in New York. Hey don't try to change the topic!" She slapped him lightly in the arm and Eli flinched but made a made of mock hurt but with a touch of real annoyance.

"You are wasting your youth and good looks. It really doesn't fit your life style as a wedding planner."

"I never said I wouldn't date again. I just...I just need some time." Eli's gaze dropped to his feet.

Ever since his break up he hadn't been on a date. It was not like some of his previous breakups, this one had turned really ugly. With his feeling still raw and bruised he had abstained himself from dating until he felt ready. Although it didn't feel like any time soon, if he tried to have a relationship now it wouldn't be good at all. He still had not really gotten over Aaron yet.

'Ah Aaron....' Eli shook himself mentally; no it would not do him any good dwelling on the past. He took a deep breath and looked over at the client. She looked like she had made up her mind and was just eagerly chatting to her entourage. He felt his calm returning as did his smile; his work always got his mind off things and made his heart feel lighter.

'Good grief this boy needs some loving and that soon that is.' Surri thought to herself. But for now she would just stand by and support Eli. So she patted Eli on the shoulder "Come on lets go over so I can seal the deal, then we both can go and try out that coffee stand you mentioned."

"Okay" he responded happily and they both went back to work.

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