America x England ( lemony)

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( lemony, based of doujinshi called telephone sex now )

England sat at the desk tiredly. he looked out the window.

' ah...its already dark out.' he thinks to himself. he looks at the piles of work he has to do.

' I'm so sleepy and tired..' he thinks. he could still remember America's hot body on top of his, panting and how wet the two were. he liked the way America would touch him in such special places too.

" here? " he could remember him tracing his fingers in. England would moan.

" England......does this feel good?" he would ask.

England stared blanklessly at a wall.

' that week ago' he thinks to himself.

' I have so much work to do I had to stay behind but...' he slams his head and arms onto the desk.

' uwaa...I don't want to work anymore!' he peeks over his arm.

' I want to see America...he's probably busy with his clubs and activities though...' on the side of his desk, he sees his phone and grabs it. dialing America's number.

' I wonder if he's done with work yet..' he thinks.

- meanwhile -

America walks on the street, licking his ice cream.

' ice cream is the best after' his cell vibrates, he decides to answer it.

" hello "

" England? what's up? "

" America..." England began. America raises a brow.

" I want to have sex " America is slightly shocked by his words.

". . . . you just called me to tell me that again? can't you just tell me you want to see me like normal people? " America says.

" . . ." England is silent but his thoughts go rapidly.

' oh shit just hearing his voice.' England thinks. England slides his hands In his pants.

" I want to see you England. " America says. England starts to play with it slightly.

" ah...Idiot..I want to see you." England says. America blushes slightly. he has a clue what England is even doing right now.

" its been awhile since we.talked I'm the phone like this huh? " America smiles, trying to shake the feeling of what England is doing.

" yeah..." England replies. he moves it faster.

' hands won't stop..' he thinks.

" its been a long time sinved I touched you.." England says.

" Long Time? its been about a week." America says.

" hm.." England tries to keep his moans in.

" hey where are you right now? " America asks.

" I'm at school....I'm the president.." he says.

" what? your still at school? " America questions only to hear England.

" yes....ha...ha..ah.."

America is silent.

" what's wrong America?" England asks.

" I even need to ask what your doing right now? " America asks.

" what I'm doing? I have to stay here until I've finished all my work. " England says.

" THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN....England...your you? " America asks.

" !! wha- eh how did you know!?"

" its not exactly hard to figure out. and you called me in the middle of It! is that even normal!?" America says.

" No I- of course not, I started after I called! "

" . . . "

" I heard your voice and I can't stop anymore.."

" . . . but your the student president right?...what if someone comes? "

" this late? no ones here. "

" England...what do you look like right now?"

" don't make me say it. git." England jolts. America sighes.

' even though you want to say it..' America thinks.

" I'm sitting on the sofa...with my pants down and my knees up.." England describes.

" . . . and your ass? " America asks blushing the whole entire time. England licks his fingers.

" not yet,....but I'm putting it in right now. " England says. he shakes.

" Ah! nn ha! " America listens closely.

"mm ha nn ah! " he moans.

' what the hell! is he....getting off all by himself? why is this embarrassing me so much?' America grips the phone tightly.

' if I remember right, does he do it right here? ' England thinks. he moans loudly.

" meeerrriiikaaaa, don't stop talking! let me hear your voice.." England moans. America turns red.

" wait! the hero is running at full speed to get to you right now, I'm hanging up now " America runs.

" hey wai-" he hung up his phone.

' think about me more! stupid England! ' America thinks to himslef only to get another call by England.

" your horrible! hanging up when I'm so close! " England shouted.

" I told you, Ill be there in just a sec. "

"I'm...just a little more and I'll.."

" Im right outside!"

" A...merica..please.."

" Would you just listen to me! I don't want to do this over the phone! I wanna touch you! "

" . . . ah I'm so close.."

" just a little longer! "

" ah ah ah.."

America runs into the room to find England.

" just a little more and I would've..." England gasps for air. England jumps at America.

" your late! hurry up and get naked!"

and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. the end.

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