S.Korea x Russia x China x S.Korea

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Korea giggles loudly as he chased China with his hands out in front of him. China ran for dear life.

" China!~ "

" n-no aru! " China cried. he didn't want his manly chest to be squeezed by the perverted korean man. Korea giggles as he chases him.

" come on just a squeeze, " he asked. China shakes his head as he runs.

" no! " he shouts and he finally turns a corner, away from Korea. China sighed relief. Russia smiles.

" oh hello China, you were running,da? " he asked. China blinks a few times and smiles. he had a plan. Korea was scared of Russia.

Korea giggles and he skips in the hallways.

" Chin-naaaaaa~" he sings. he suddenly stops and he cocks his head to side. he hears foot steps walking up to him from behind.

" a-aru..." he hears China stammering from behind him. a sly grin appears on his face. he sticks out his hands and smiles.

" I got you now China!~" he turns around as squeezes a chest. he smiles an Italy smile. he opens his eyes.

" h-hello da." Russia smiles nervously as his chest is being squeezed by Korea. China hides behind Russia with a smile on his face. Korea eyes widen.

" aaaaaaaaahhhh!" he shrieks. Russia smiles nervously.

" so you like the breast da?"

" aru! R-Russia "

Korea is still in awe that he had accidentally grabbed Russia's chest. he was also scared.


( k so I don't know what else tp write.... I guess ill do an extra.)



Russia suddenly grabbed Korea's arms and pressed him against the hallway wall. China eyes grew wide.

" Russia! " China exclaims in surprise. Korea face is still shocked and scared. Russia looks over his shoulder at China.

" what. I am only giving Korea what he wants da." he smiles. Korea looks at China with a surprised and red face. was he blushing? Russia faced Korea again, smiling his normal smile he always seems to wear.

" so you want to play the squeezing game with me da? "

Korea began to shake his head side to side rapidly.

" nonononononono!! "

China stands in awe. Russia leans in on Korea.

" then how about we play a different game,da? " he asked. Korea blushes rapidly as he is pressed against the wall by Russia's arms. then suddenly from behind Russia's chest is grabbed. Russia is surprised and he turns his head around to see China, who is blushing as a red tomato. Korea jaw drops open to see China using his technique.

" China??"

China sighes nervously.

" I know aru.."

Russia just smiles and grabs one side of Chinas chest while his other hand is wrapped around Korea. the two asian men blush.

" we make it three way, da? "

" whaaaaaaaaaaa?! "

" aruuuuuu?!"

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