~Chapter 2~
~a few days later~
*Your POV*
Y/F/N and I have become great friends with 1D and are happy. They are a great hang and are total goofballs! Over the days Harry and I have grown close and are inseparable! And just like Harry and I Niall and Y/F/N have grown close to.
Anyway the boys have a show tomorrow so Lou, Li, and Zaynie are spending it with their girlfriends. Then after the show they jet off to Australia or Scotland I forget which. So their gonna get as much time in as they can and since Haz and Ni are single their spending it with Y/F/N and I.
El, Dani, Perrie, Y/F/N, and I get along great their so nice! And whenever the boys are gone having guy time we have girl time.
*3rd Person POV*
~With the boys~
"Hurry up Zayn! Were gonna be late!" shouts Liam. "I'm comin'! I'm comin'! Cool your jets Li!" Zayn yells. "Well were gonna be late if you don't stop messing with your hair!" "Hey! It takes time to look this good!".
"Well check your hair when we get there now lets gooo!"
"Ok Ok comin'! Geez.." Zayn mutters.
"Guys? When we get back do you think we can order Nando's?" Niall asks.
"Ni, were not coming back. After the show were going to Australia remember?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot...well can we get it to go then?"
"Sorry, I'm just hungry Li."
"Oi, I know Ni, I know." Liam sighed.
"Ok we'll get it to go now can we go?!" Liam reasons.
"YES!!" Niall shrieks.
"Thank you! LOU, HAZ MOVE IT!!"
"COMING!!" They say in union.
"Well come on Paul's waiting!" Liam says getting frustrated.
"Coming!! Hold your horses!!" Louis yells.
~At the concert~
The video ends and the boys run out on stage and the fans scream.
"Hey girl I'm waitin on ya, I'm waitin on ya. C'mon and let me sneak you out! And have a celebration, a celebration the music up the windows down!" Liam starts.
*3 hours later*
"Thank you Y/C you've been amazing!!" (A/N: Y/C means Your Country)
"BYEE!!" They scream in union and run of stage.
"Well boys, its off to Australia!" Liam says.
"Yup! Leggo!" Niall says.
~At the airport~
"Girls! What are you doing here??" Zayn asks surprised.
"We couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye!" Eleanor said.
Liam walked over to Danielle and gave her a hug and kiss, along with Louis and Zayn only with their girlfriends. Niall walked over to Y/F/N and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Harry did the same only with me. Then Li, Lou, and Zaynie reached into their carry on bag and pulled a black box.
When the girls opened them they found diamond necklaces with their names on it. They hugged their guys so tight it looked like the boys couldn't breath! Then Niall reached into his carry on bag and brought out a black box too. When Y/F/N opened it she found the same thing the other girls had except it spelled her name.
She gasped and hugged Niall tight, Niall told her he got her that for being the best girl friend he ever had. Suddenly Harry reached into his carry on bag and pulled out the same black box! He gave it to you and you were about to cry! "Harry..." you whispered. "Open it." he said.
You opened the box and found the diamond necklace like the others but with your name.
"Oh my god Harry its beautiful!! THANK YOU!" you shrieked and jumped in his arms and squeezed him.
He squeezed you back and said "No thank YOU for being the bestest girl friend I've ever had!" You smiled and held onto him until Paul said it was time to go. You reluctantly let go and Harry put you down, and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
Paul called the boys over and told them if they didn't hurry up they would miss the plane.
They said their last goodbyes to you guys and promised to text, and Skype everyday.
A/N: Well there's part 2! Thank you sis for the cover! I'm thinking about calling my readers something I just don't know what...a lil help?Anyway thanks for reading!
~Misa (my nickname) P.S. I now know how to upload pics! Thanks Jen!

Your Harry Styles Love Story
FanfictionThis is the story of a girl named Y/N and a boy named Harry Styles. They start off as best friends and are close. (But not as close as Harry and Louis) 2 weeks after they meet Harry starts feeling strange whenever he's around Y/N, he doesn't know wh...