*Zayn's POV*
I walked down the stairs after my power nap, what?! I was tired! DON'T JUDGE ME! Louis calls it Beauty Sleep. He says it helps keep him healthy and "Healthy skin, is happy skin Zaynie!" His words not mine. But I think he calls it Beauty Sleep because he's the fucking queen.
Anyways, as I turned the corner I saw Y/N curled up in a ball clutching her 1D Body Pillow and asleep in front of the TV. I went up to her and saw the TV was playing Tom & Jerry, I grabbed the remote and shut the TV off and called the other lads in here.
They all came downstairs, and when they saw Y/N they cooed at her and Louis had an evil smirk on his face and took out his phone and took a picture. Our phones beeped and of course he put it on Twitter. It read:
Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson: Awwww look at @Y/T/N isn't she precious curled up with "us"?
Oh Louis...
"What?" he asked.
Did I say that out loud?
"Yes, yes you did, now what?"
"Oh, well why did you smirk when you saw her?" I asked.
He smirked again and said "Its my revenge on her for taking that picture of Haz & I and breaking Twitter with it."
"Oi, I'm guessing your very pleased with yourself?"
"Yup!" he said popping the P.
I shook my head and look at Harry and he looked like he looked torn whether to go cuddle her or run up to his room.
"Harry?" He looked at me. "You alright lad?" I asked concerned.
He forced a smile and said "Yeah, just fine mate."
I looked at him skeptically then just decided to drop it and said "Okay...but if you ever need to talk..I'm here."
He looked relived, and then actually smiled and said "I know, thanks Zaynie."
"Your welcome." I replied.
I walked into the kitchen and found Niall at the stove cooking Y/F/N's bacon.
"WHERE'S MY BACON?!?!" she shrieked.
Damn...you don't wanna mess with Y/F/N and her bacon.
"Sorry Princess, here's your bacon."
"Bout damn time...and thank you My Prince!" she said and happily dug into her bacon.
"Oh, hey Zayn didn't notice ya there."
"Hey Nialler, and I've been here since Y/F/N asked where her bacon was the first time."
"Oh really?"
"Yup." I said popping the P.
"Sooo..where did everyone go? I heard commotion about 10 minutes ago."
"Uhh..Liam & Danielle went on a date, Eleanor and Perrie are shopping, Louis and Harry went upstairs to be..well..Larry..and no not like that they're just cuddling and watching TV. Anyways and Y/N is still sleeping last I checked."
"Oh okay, thanks Nialler!" I said as I grabbed a apple and water bottle from the fridge.
Around 3 PM is when everybody came home and Larry decided to stay upstairs cause they were to lazy to come down and apparently they ended up waking up at like 3 AM last night and talked all night, so their tired from their Up All Night (AN: Haha couldn't help myself!) chat and went back to sleep after a while.
At dinner we all talked about random things and ate. Larry were to lazy to come down so they ate in Harry's room and Liam and Niall delivered their food, and Larry watched 'The Incredibles'.
After dinner we all went to our rooms (minus Larry their still in Haz's room) and did whatever until we felt tired enough to sleep. Which for me was easy cause I was EXHAUSTED! *yawns* Well I'm going to bed! Goodnight world! Stay pretty!...actually no leave that to me! ;)
AN: Welp there's chappie 8! Enjoy! Sorry its not long...heh heh. Also that pic is *singy voice* SMOKIN!! :D BYE DOLPHINS!!

Your Harry Styles Love Story
FanfictionThis is the story of a girl named Y/N and a boy named Harry Styles. They start off as best friends and are close. (But not as close as Harry and Louis) 2 weeks after they meet Harry starts feeling strange whenever he's around Y/N, he doesn't know wh...