Chapter 25

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*Your POV*

I woke up in my bed expecting to find my almost finance there but he's not.

Confused, I sit up and that's when I notice the trail of rose pedals leading out the door.

I gasp and stand up and follow the rose pedals.

They take me downstairs and lead me to the back door.


I open the door and there's more.

I follow those and they lead me to the gazebo.

They end there and I look up and see Harry standing there with a smile on his face and breakfast on the table.

"Harry..." I breath.

"Morning babe. Breakfast?" he says.

I nod still in a daze.

He takes my hand and leads me to my chair and pulls it out for me.

I sit down and look at my plate.

It has chocolate chip pancakes, fruit salad, and orange juice off to the side.

I feel my mouth start to water from the delicious aroma.

"Are you just going to sit there and stare at it or are you going to eat it babe?" Harry says amusingly.

I snap out of the trance and grab a fork and start digging in.

I finish about 10 minutes later then sigh.

"All of that for me?" I ask.

"Yup! All for you!" he says.

"Thank you, you cheese head!"

"Only for you babe." he says and winks.


"Only for you!"

"Shut up..." I mumble.

He laughs and picks up my right hand and glances at the promise ring. (AN: Yes right, so this way people won't be confused and think your actually engaged.)

"I'm so happy you said yes." he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because. This way other boys can back off and leave my girl alone. Also it means that your ready to have a serious relationship with me." he explains.

"Aww HazzaBear!" I gush.

He smiles and says

"I think we should clean up our mess then cuddle on the sofa."

"Sounds good."

We start cleaning up and head inside to put the dishes in the sink.

We then head over to the sofa and switch on the TV and cuddle.

We cuddle and watch TV for about 20 minutes then everyone else comes down.

"Hey guys." I greet.

"Hey." they reply.

"Want some breakfast?" I ask.

They nod and I get up and go into the kitchen and open the freezer and pull out the waffle box.

I take out enough for everyone and place the plate in the microwave for 5 minutes.

When the waffles are done I take them out and place them on separate plates and serve.

"Here you go guys." I say and hand them their plates.

"Thanks." they say.

"Y/N? Can I get some orange juice?" Perrie asks.

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