*Your POV*
I groan.
Not agaaaaiiinn!!
I shut off the alarm clock and check the time.
10 AM.
Not to bad.
Who set the alarm clock this time?!
Oh wait..I did.
I remember setting it before going to sleep because today Harry is going to meet my parents. AN: I am so sorry if you only have one parent. I know how you feel, I only have my dad. So just pretend your other parent is there okay?)
I sigh and get out of bed and go to the bathroom.
My parents are coming over at 12 PM for lunch and I wanted enough time to get ready and have breakfast.
I do my business and go to my closet and pick out a long sleeve plain white tee with a pocket on the right side, black skinny's, black ugg boots, a cross covered scarf, and a bracelet with the infinity sign, the word love, two owls, and a anchor.
I go back to the bathroom and brush my hair.
When done, I head down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
I pull out Cocoa Pebbles and milk along with a bowl and spoon and make cereal.
I put the items away and dig in to my chocolatey cereal.
I finish in about 10 minutes and decide its time to wake Harry.
I walk over to Louis' room remembering they slept together last night.
I peek in and see both of them still asleep in the cutest position.
Harry's snuggled into Louis' chest with his head in the crook of Louis' neck and a arm around his waist.
Louis' head is resting on Harry's and he has an arm wrapped around Harry's waist as well only his hold is more protective.
So cute!
Too bad I have to end it.
I quickly snap a picture, saving it quickly, and going into the room.
I walk over to Harry and start shaking him.
"Harry? Hazza? Haaaazzaa?" I say.
He grumbles something and tightens his grip on Louis.
What a dork.
"Harry..c'mon sleepy head..you gotta wake up."
He cracks an eye open and looks at me.
"What for? I'm tired and I wanna sleep." he complains.
"My parents are coming over for lunch." I say.
His eyes flash open and he's untangling Louis' arm from his waist and checking the time.
"Its 10:30..what time are they coming over?"
"I have to go get ready!"
He jumps from the bed and races to the bathroom closing the door and locking it.
I hear the shower turn on and I leave the room and go downstairs to the living room.
Its 11:30 now and Harry's coming down the stairs.
"Wow Haz, what took you so long?" I ask.

Your Harry Styles Love Story
FanfictionThis is the story of a girl named Y/N and a boy named Harry Styles. They start off as best friends and are close. (But not as close as Harry and Louis) 2 weeks after they meet Harry starts feeling strange whenever he's around Y/N, he doesn't know wh...