Captain Mick Rory

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The ship sat dead in hyper space. They were a million miles away from where they were supposed to be.

The airlock had a hole in it and the other two were out cold. She was the only one still awake to call for help.

Hoping for a miracle she jammed down on the button and sent a distress signal out. Hopefully the right people would hear it and respond.


Two months after the take over of the Waverider:

Leonard was sitting by Mick's side. They were headed to the vanishing point to take care of some Time Keepers. Ray kept going on and on about how it was a shame they weren't time lords. Mick growled and couldn't stand hearing about one more of Ray's fan boy obsessions.

Sara was sitting with Kendra in the dining area watching Len get all cozy with Mick. "Can we talk girl to girl" Sara asked Kendra. Kendra nodded and waited for Sara to continue. "When Mick found me heading towards Namda Parbat and we put this altogether, I, um, fell for him" Sara said taking a deep breath.

Kendra tried not to spit out her coffee. She stared at Sara with a look of surprise and a tinge of jealousy building up. She had started falling for Mick as well when he took over the rider.

"Girl to girl, I have something to confess as well" Kendra said. Sara turned to her and turning red Kendra said "I also fell for Mick at the same time. What's wrong with us"?

Sara stared at Kendra. She thought she all up on Ray. "What about fan boy over there?" Sara asked Kendra and giving her a death glare. Kendra returned her glare and said with a slight growl "Ray and I have decided to take time apart".

"Isn't that convenient. When did you come up with that, let me guess, two fucking months ago hawk wings" Sara said with a growl. Kendra was about to take it to fists when Leonard walked up to the table and scooted a chair up. "Now, now ladies, no need to fight, Mick is already taken. So hawk girl can stay with the atom and the canary can find her own play toy" Len said with a smirk.

Both women looked at Leonard like hungry lionesses on the African plains. "You don't speak for Mick" Kendra snarled. Sara burned with anger and said "just cause your screwing him right now, doesn't mean it will last, Snart".

Leonard smiled and went back to sitting next to Mick. Mick reached down and petted Leonard on the head. Leonard let out a soft purr. Mick smiled and continued petting him.

"Captain Rory, we have received a distress signal from a ship with the name of Lucy" Gideon said. Mick looked at his team.

"Now we have been here before. Last time we were jumped by malicious space pirates and things didn't go so well for any of us. This time, we come up with an answer as a team" Mick said looking around at everyone.

"I think we should try hailing Lucy before we ever try to get into range of the ship" Kendra said getting her opinion out first. Sara gave Kendra a scowl and said "whatever you come up with captain, I'm sure will be perfect" and smiled at Mick.

Leonard got up and sat on Mick's lap. "Captain, I think you should make sure everyone has a voice in this" Leonard whispered in Mick's ear and feeling Mick become hard. This made Leonard smile. He also flashed Kendra and Sara a evil 'he is mine girls' smile and put his head back against Mick's chest.

Petting Len on the head again, Mick said "what do you think Boy Scout"? Ray looked around the room. "I think that Kendra has a good point, Captain" Ray said quietly. "Hey Ray, we are a team. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion" Mick said smiling. Ray smiled and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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