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Realizing he was all alone he slowly walked to his bedroom bathroom to clean himself up. Dominic stripped out of his bloody clothes and rinsed his face off in the sink, he looked up in the mirror as he used his hand towel to carefully dry his beaten face. Three scratches remained across his face from Sarah's nails.

Alone in despair and sick of his face he slowly opened the little container of white face paint and made a skull on his face, he colored it in with white then colored the rest of his skin and neck with black. Dominic was satisfied since it not only covered his scars..but gave him a new face. He slipped on a random pair of jeans and a hoodie then ran away

never heard from or was seen. He never smiled nor laughed, he wanted to forget.. 

forget everything..

                                               forget himself..

Without wearing a mask I'm conscious of who I am, What I am, And what I did  

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Without wearing a mask I'm conscious of who I am, What I am, And what I did  

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