Chapter 10

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Zoe's p.o.v

*The next morning*

"Zoe! Can you come down here please?" Ashley yelled the next morning. "We want to officially celebrate your birthday since we didn't get to yesterday!" I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Andy, wanting to ask a question but not wanting to yell it, just in case.

A=Andy as in just you guys or as in you guys and some others?

A=us and some others why?

Z=so I know whether or not I can just wear my supernatural sweat pants and a wife beater, duh!

I quickly got up and grabbed a Marilyn Manson t-shirt and some black jeans, getting dressed quickly before running into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth, leaving my now wavy hair the way it was. I ran downstairs and looked around in confusion when I only saw the guys.

"The others will be here soon, so just sit down and relax." C.c smiled. I nodded and sat down as the doorbell rang. Andy opened the door to reveal Blood On The Dance Floor, Jeffree Star, and Steven Joseph.

"Oh my Jahvie..." I muttered. Dahvie smiled and walked over, holding out his hand.

"Hey kiddo, I'm Dahvie," He smiled. "Andy never gave me your name so, what is it?"

"IT'S ZOE BUT SHE SPELLS IT Z-O-E!!!" Ashton yelled as 5sos ran in.

"Yeah, what he said." I chuckled, shaking Dahvie's hand. Dahvie chuckled as well, his eyes lighting up.

"Zoe, huh? That's a pretty name." Jeffree smiled.

"It suits you. Don't you think Jeffree?" Steven asked. Jeffree nodded, making me blush.

"Awww she's blushing!" Jayy cooed.

"Excuse me, who gave you the right to mess with my buffl?" A familiar voice yelled jokingly. I looked up in shock to see Samantha, who'd moved back to Oregon not too long after I'd been adopted.

"SAM!!" I screamed, running up to her.

"ZOE!!" Samantha screamed back.


"Alright, you win." Samantha chuckled. I chuckled back as we let go of our hug.

"I'm going to assume that's your best friend?" Michael asked, smiling. I nodded and Samantha pretended to be hurt.


"NO I HATE YOU GO AWAY!!!!" I screamed, attempting to push Samantha, who'd attached herself to me, off.


"NO DAD DON'T YOU DARE!! YOU GUYS EITHER!!" I screamed, tears running down my face from laughing. I pointed my finger at Andy, running my finger around the room so I could point at the rest of the people in the room.

"Um...can I come in or?" A voice behind me asked. Samantha turned around and screamed when she saw who was behind us.

"OH MY JAHVIE YOU'RE MARILYN MANSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Samantha screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Okay Sammy, I think we need to chill on the caps lock." I laughed as Marilyn stared hesitantly at Sam. "We also need to move out of the way so Mr. Manson can come in." I moved to the side and Sam copied me, allowing Marilyn to walk in.

"Okay, go ahead and call me Marilyn and uh, which one of you is the birthday girl?" He said.

"Okay, and that would be me." I said shyly.

"Cool. So, Andy, anyone else coming?" Marilyn asked while still smiling at me.

"Oh, a couple people." Andy winked just as Jinxx walked over and asked to talk to him in private.

Andy's p.o.v

"Ok, they're here." Jinxx motioned to a teenage girl and toddler boy as soon as we walked outside.

"Sweet. So you're...Cydney and Dean, right?" I asked the girl.

"That's us Mr. Biersack." Cydney replied.

"Please, call me dad." I smiled. Cydney smiled back and picked up Dean, who looked a bit scared.

"So, how old are you guys?" Jinxx asked.

"I'm seventeen, Dean is three." Cydney smiled.

"Awesome. So, let's go say hi to Zoe."

Zoe's p.o.v

They'd just turned the lights off to start singing when I heard a familiar voice.

"Cyd?" I whispered. The lights turned on and, to my shock and delight, my sister and half-brother were standing in the doorway.

"What? I thought you-" I was cut off as I chocked back tears.

"Scientists made a concoction to bring people back to life, but it only works on people under the age of eighteen, so they couldn't bring any of our parents back." Cyd's eyes filled with tears and I let out a loud sob as I ran over and hugged her tightly.

"Hey buddy." I smiled as Cyd and I let go of our hug and picked up Dean, making him smile.

"So, are you enjoying your birthday baby girl?" Andy asked.

"It's been the best birthday ever."

A/n: btw, the next part isn't going to be a chapter. It's going to be a note. Byeee

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