Chapter 1: The Dead Girl's Videos

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When I opened the package of Kayla's videos, I was excited. I had no idea whatsoever what was in the box, but I never got packages, so I was hoping it was a present from my aunt or something.

That's why when I pulled out a pink flash drive, and note that said 'Put the flash drive in when you are alone' I was so confused. So, like any curious person I grabbed my laptop, and put the flash drive in. Immediately, a video popped up, with a girl. Right away I knew it was Kayla. I looked down at the keyboard uncomfortably. Kayla Wigmen, my ninth grade girlfriend, sent me these videos. I hesitated, but  clicked play.


Hello friends. Wait a minute, did you hear that? I just called you all my friends. Ha.

What? She was sending this to more than one person?

Now, I know what your all thinking.

Kayla looked directly into the camera and shifted in her seat. Then I got a view of where she was. It was her room, I could tell, she held her camera like this all the time when would Skype each other.

Or maybe I don't, because for all I know, you might not even know that I'm dead.

What the hell? She's not dead. What is she talking about?

Well, in case you haven't heard I will be dead on Monday November 1st at 12:55.

Kayla looks down and picks at her nails.

My stomach feels queasy. I just remembered that Kayla wasn't in school today or yesterday.  

Okay, before I continue, I will explain a few things. First of all I killed myself. Correction, I'm going to kill myself.

What the fuck is she talking about? Kayla couldn't have killed herself. This had to be a joke. It was some sick joke. I squeeze my eyes shut. But Kayla just keeps on talking.

Oh, not tonight. It will take me a few weeks to make all these videos for you.

I was so confused. How many people did she send these to?

Each video will about something. Something changed me. Something that made me want to kill myself. Most of these videos will be about a certain person.

 I gulp. A certain person? As in me? Being one of the reasons why she...?

And Yes, If your watching this, you are one of the reasons why I killed myself or you played a major role in my horrible life.

What? Kayla Wigmen killed herself? Why? This is some joke. it had to be. Maybe she sent it to a whole bunch of people just to see what they're reaction are.

But no worries, you'll be able to hear everyone's story.

But, I don't want to hear anything. I just want this to be a cruel, mean joke.

Or Maybe you should worry, because you're about to learn why I killed myself. And be patient, for your turn, will come.

Kayla looks straight at the camera and leans in. I lean in too, waiting for her to speak. I was hoping for Kayla to start laughing, and say "You didn't think I was being serious! I would never kill myself!"

To find out who is first, slide to the next video, and click play.

Just like that, the video stopped. I reach over to my phone, and call Kayla Wigmen. I still  was hoping this was some sort of sick cruel, joke. Then, her voicemail picked up.

"Hello this Kayla, I'm unable to answer my phone right now, so please a message after the-"

I hung up. I didn't want to make a voicemail.

But her voice didn't sound like it did in the videos. It sounded happy.

I debated on calling her home number, because if it really was a sick joke (which I really wish it was) I didn't want her parents picking up and getting all freaked out over nothing. Then I realized how Kayla wasn't at school for the last few days. Some said she had a disease or something, even though she was only out for a few days. I try not listen to rumors about Kayla, because I want to forget about her, and pretend I don't care.

But, I did care.

Now, knowing that Kayla is dead, I care a lot more. Today was the day she was supposed to kill herself, so it wouldn't been in the paper news paper, but maybe it would on the internet newspaper.

I pull my laptop closer to me and save Kayla's videos. My fingers fiddle around the computer a little, knowing I could find out that Kayla is really dead in a matter of seconds. I'm trying not to believe she is, because it's still a possiblity she is alive, and she was sending the video to freak people out.

I type in the newspapers website and hold my breath.

The headline pops up in bold print:

Kayla Wigmen, 16 year old girl, committed suicide...

I shut my eyes. It was true. It wasn't a joke. It was real. Kayla is dead, I bite my lip, and force myself to read the article.

"Sixteen year old Kayla Wigmen committed suicide on November first at a suspected time of one  o'clock in the afternoon. She was home from school for a few days, because she claimed she was sick. On the third day of her supposed sickness, she hung herself from a rope in closet. Her older brother Anthony found her like this when he came home from school, he called his father and police minutes after he realized what she did. There was a note tapped to the closet, reading 'I am done' This note proved it was truly suicide-"

 I couldn't read anymore. It was true, these videos, the suicide, everything. She had planned everything, Her sickness was a cover up to be alone. I can't believe this.

I pulled up Kayla's videos. This time, they looked different. Maybe because now I know she's dead.

I was one of the reasons why Kayla killed herself.


I slide the arrow key to the next video. Kayla's face appears, she was wearing a different shirt, and wasn't in her room anymore. I squint, trying to look around her. I couldn't see much.

I pressed play. 


 So sorry this chapter wasn't very long.

 I promise the second chapter will be much longer and better. Because you will find out who the first person is!

sorry if this chapter sucked :



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