Chapter 22: Who Are You?

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Haley’s POV

I can feel Eric staring at me, when he noticed my dress, and how it was worn down and that my hair was messed up. He smirked at me. It took every part of me not to start screaming at him.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you just had a one night stand.” He said, still with smirk on his face.

I tried to ignore him, but he wouldn’t let me. How dare he talk to me? Did he not know that I had watched the videos? It never said that I did, so maybe he just assumed I still don’t know what he had done.

He leaned closer to me, and I started to tense up a little.

“But I know you’d be too scared to that again.” He smiled.

I lost it.

“You are such an asshole! How could you do that Kayla? You were on a fucking double date with me! You felt her up, you are a such sick person. They have a special place hell where they torture people like you! And you have the nerve to talk to me? Get the fuck away from me.” I screamed.

Eric widened his eyes, and backed up, he looked scared, like he should be. He was shaking his head.

The elevator doors opened, and I walked out.

“Wait!” I heard scream behind me. He caught up to me.

“What.” I said, I was so pissed I couldn’t even look at him.

“How did you know that I did that? I thought she never told you?” He asked, look terrified.

I raised my eyebrow. Did he not watch the videos on the flash drive?

“Have you been to your house in the last few days?” I asked, if he wasn’t home then he didn’t know about the videos or Kayla being dead.

He shook his head. Now it was my turn to smirk at him. It was time to take him into the hell that everyone else who already watched the videos is in.

“Well, you see, Kayla killed herself, but before she did, she made videos about all the reasons that she killed herself. And in one of the videos, was about how you felt her up. And now, everyone who has the videos knows what you did.” I hissed.

I started walking again, and waited to see if Eric was going to stop me again, I turned around and saw he was still standing in the same spot, with his hand covering his eyes.

I knew he was in pain, and he should be. I know some people would have told me that I should have kicked in the balls or paid someone to hurt him. But I knew that in time the physical pain would go away, but what happened to Kayla, that pain will never go away .

Just like how it will hurt me forever. But no one understands. They may have caused her death, but I didn’t stop it. It a crazy messed up way, what I did is worse.

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