Chapter 16: One Last Chance For Love

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Haley’s POV

They were all around me, whispering. They were whispering about me. I turned away and opened up the classroom door.

It was first period in school, and I didn’t even make it to my first class before people started talking about me. I knew I had to keep going to school, or else my grades would suffer. I just wish they would stop talking about Kayla.

All eyes were glued on me. Everyone was dead silent.  It was like if they made a sound, I would break down in tears. And I was about to, but not front of them. I had to just pretend like everything was okay.

Mrs. Bellbring was quiet when I walked in. I just slowly slumped into my seat. I didn’t say anything. Everyone was staring at me.

“Well, so let’s begin with the book reports that were assigned last week.” Mrs. Bellbring said, trying be cheerful.

I just looked down at the ground. I could still hear the whispers around the room. I knew they wanted to ask me questions. I knew they wanted to know what happened, but no one would have the balls to ask me.

Mrs. Bellbring made a few students go up and read theirs out loud, but I didn’t have to. I tried to pay attention, but my mind kept thinking about Kayla.

When class ended, I was tempted to leave like I did yesterday, but I couldn’t miss another day, I already missed so many when Kayla was having problems.

At lunch, at my regular table, everyone was acting like they all rehearsed everything that they were saying, like everything was already planned out. They would ask me, how I was, and each time I answered that I was fine.

I wasn’t fine, but they would never understand. Kayla and I rarely talked to all the other girls at our table, she was mostly my friend.

In Spanish, I noticed Monica or Jake wasn’t there. They must be ditching school to watch the videos. Jake’s video isn’t until later, because it only happened a few weeks ago when it happened.

The same old questions, the same old answer, I told my teacher that I needed to see the nurse, normally she’d object, but now that everyone knows what happened to Kayla, teachers let me do anything.

I was sick. Not sick on the inside, but sick of people constantly asking me those questions. Couldn’t they see I didn’t want to talk about it with them?

“What are you doing in school?” a voice asked me. I wiped my head around to see Anthony, Kayla’s brother.

“I could say the say the same thing to you.” I answered.

“Okay, but I’m here because I’m missing school all next week because I have to plan Kayla’s funeral. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have to. It would be against the law if I missed anymore school days, and then I couldn’t graduate.” Anthony said.

I don’t say anything back. He was graduating this year. What a great way to end your high school life, with your little sister committing suicide.

“So…” He said, “ Why are you here?”

“Same reason as you. I can’t miss anymore days of school.” I said, I was only missing two days of school, so I could skip, but I already skipped so many times with Kayla.

“You’ll only be out for a few days. You could be skipping right now.” He said. Damn it I was hoping he wouldn’t say that.

“Well Kayla and I already skipped a lot school days, okay?” I snapped. I couldn’t help it, I was so pissed about Kayla I couldn’t even think straight.

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