Chapter 9: The Answer Woman

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Hey so I know I haven’t updated in awhile but I just switched to A.P. Math, I was in honors, but then they decided to move meeeeeeeeee.

All of my other classes were A.P.  and I could handle that, but they give you so much more in A.P math.

My school is kinda of confusing. In the summer you can choose to take honors or regular classes. I took all honors, then if your teachers thinks you’re more 'advanced' they switch into A.P at the end of the quarter.

Yeah and it sucks because now I'm super busy with schoolwork. And I don’t like schoolwork.

Sooo yeah that is my problem.

And uh since it’s been awhile, I pulled up a part of the last chapter to remind you guys what was happening.



"It came in the box with the flash drive.” She said.

She was the one that did nothing, but knew everything.

She opened it up she hand the letter over to me, I read,

Dear Haley,

By the time you’re reading this, it’s already too late.

I’m gone.

I’m sorry. I made the videos. The ones where I told everyone what they did. I made copies. I sent them all out.

I sent you one too. You already know most of the things on the videos; I just thought you would want to have a copy of them.

I’m so sorry Haley.

I attached an extra video at the end of yours, just so you know.

Okay. I have to go and mail out the rest of the videos.

I hope I can see you some day.

Haley, you kept me on earth for so long. And thank you, because without you I would have been dead a long time ago.

I guess this is goodbye.

You will always and forever be my best friend.



I put the paper down and looked back at Haley.

“Haley I'm so sorry about what happened to Kayla, I know it’s my fault because she thinks I had sex with Nicole but I-” I was talking so fast I needed to get as much out as I could. It was different talking to Haley than it was to Jake. Jake had the videos for a reason, and Haley was innocent and her best friend committed suicide because of me.

“Tyler. I don’t want you to explain. I know what you did. I’ve known for years.” Haley said, as she glared at me.

“You don’t understand! It wasn’t what Kayla told you!” My voice raised.

“Are you saying that Kayla lied to me?” She demanded.

“No! I’m saying I didn’t have sex with Nicole!” I yelled back.

“Then what? You decided that you wanted to be naked with your ex-girlfriend’s best friend and have a condom just laying around?” She practically screamed at me. She obviously pissed at me. But she said she knew about it for years, so why was she so nice to me? And why did she have to wait until now to bring it up.

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