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"He's been crying all night long and I have a game tomorrow." I said, groaning as I tugged on a piece of my hair to force myself to attend to my son.

"I know Klay you've mentioned it all night long." Camila stated, as she got out from under the covers. I felt guilty because when I'm not her she does everything so I had to stop her.

"Go to sleep, I'll take care of him." I told Camila, she nodded her head walking back to her side of the bed.

My mom told me that she used to sing to me but I'm a horrible singer so I decided to take advantage of this technology and download a lullaby.  My horrible voice would wake everyone up and that wasn't my plan.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found.
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed." The lullaby played on my phone.

Soon enough, Mason was comfortably asleep in my arms in no time. Maybe I can really be a good father.

I headed downstair's to grab a glass of orange juice before I headed back to bed. I didn't expect to see Draymond here I thought he left hours ago.

"hey what are you doing here?" I asked, as he woke up instantly.  I could see his drool dripping all over my couch but that didn't aggravate me at all.

From having a kid I learned that you need this valuable asset: patience.

"I had a flat tire and the mechanic doesn't come until tomorrow. I hope it's cool that I crash here." Draymond stated, as he covered himself with my blankets.

"I have extra guest rooms feel free to stay in one. One has a massaging mattress." I said, strictly so he could run up over there. I knew how he loved massages.

"I'm down." Draymond mumbled, he would've yelled but with everyone sleeping he didn't even consider it.  I laughed giving him directions where the room was.

I then headed back to my room where I saw Camila peacefully sleeping. Even if I don't perform well at games. Regardless, I know these people love me. That's what makes them family.

"Goodnight Camila." I quietly mumbled to myself, as my eyes closed. 

The next day

"Draymond your mechanic never showed and you've been playing 2k all day. We have to face the Spurs tonight so get ready." I enthused, closing the door as Camila smiled finally getting Mason to take a nap.

"I take it the baby went to sleep?" I asked, slipping my hands onto her waist. She smiled as we both leaned in. Of course, my mom, Julie interrupted.

"I'm so happy! I just got off the phone with your brothers and they'll be at the game!" My mom yelled, as she cheered with her phone at hand.

I smiled hugging her. Whenever my brothers could make it in their busy schedules that meant a lot to me and I always try to perform on a high level whenever they can make it.

"I was thinking after dinner we could go out to eat. I found a new babysitting page and they're super reliable." My mom stated, before hiring someone my mom always checked reviews so I never doubted her with any decision regarding my son.

"Great mom. I know how this night means to you. I love you." I stated, I have always been a mommas boy and I likely will be for the rest of my life.

"I'm so happy for you Julie." Camila stated, as she pulled my mom into a hug. The two woman who mean the most to me.

"Thank you honey. I can't wait for us to be together again as a family." My mom stated, as she happily continued the phone call with Mychel and Trayce.

"Listen if you don't want to go then you don't have to." I explained to Camila, I know how nerve wracking it could be with my family. They ask all sorts of questions.

"You're being ridiculous. I'd love to go have dinner with your family." Camila stated, as she continued to organized a photoshoot for the family.

"It's not only my family anymore it's yours too." I told her, she smiled as she attempted to kiss me. I denied her as she playfully smacked my ass.

"Don't reject me." She said, pouting as I attempted to kiss her but were interrupted again by Draymond.

"Why are you wearing my pink wig?" Camila asked him, oh god why am I not surprised. I tried hiding my laughter but I'm bad at containing myself.

"Why do you have a pink wig?" Draymond fought back, dabbing quickly as my mom quickly approached us in the kitchen. I started laughing hysterically as my mom saw Draymond in the wig.

"Oh my god!" My mom said, immediately ending the call to watch Draymond dance.

This man is crazy but he's one of my best friends and I can't imagine life without him.

"I'm sending this to your date from last night." I stated, as he ran up to me faster than ever. I was about a second short as Draymond snatched my phone away from me.

"Wow Klay I didn't no you had a baby dick." Draymond stated, handing me back my phone from a nude from my year at Washington state.

"That was a long time ago! It has grown!" I yelled defending myself, but it was no use as he had already dialed Stephen's number to tell him about it.

"You may have a baby dick but you're the only man I want." Camila whispered in my ear, as she casually started up a conversation with my mom.

"I don't have a baby dick." I mumbled to myself.

But the people that love you. Will love you regardless of dick sizes, appearance, and personality because love is accepting.

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