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We all want to be something other than just another typical fan to them. We read these fanfics that have people that get noticed by there fave member, or a member in general, and we wish we could be them. We wish that we were prettier, or thinner, or have more money, or a better future ahead of us. We wish. That's the problem. We wish too much, we think that all of these things that aren't going to happen will come true if we wish for it, but it doesn't. No matter how hard you try you very well may still be a typical fan that they glance at and never remember again. We won't all get noticed by them like models do, or any famous person for that matter. We won't have the "dream" experience that we want. We will just be another fan in a group of them. So whenever you go to a concert and you think Luke hemmings is singing straight to you, remember, there are other fans right next to you that probably think the same thing, not to mention they probably do it at every show as well. The boys love us, don't get me wrong, but they don't see us as individuals, they see us as a whole. They love us as a whole. They most likely won't even acknowledge your existence in this life time. I am guilty of all of this, i wish that michael clifford would acknowledge my existence but I've came to the conclusion that it most likely will never happen. I'm not good enough for him, and that's just the way I feel about it. But Just remember, before you start to think that you are a more special fan than the rest, unless you have actually dated one of them or even had their number that they willingly have given to you, you better look back on your life and realize you're just another one of us, awaiting the crowd to be noticed by the four amazing souls that we so much love and appreciate and look up to, and if you don't come to the reality f it all, then you will just feel ruined inside because you just now came to back to reality and realized that I'm right...

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