Save her... Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up my eyes were burning. I checked the time 5: 50 I laid back in bed and closed my eyes as I remembered all the crying and waking up from my dream well memory that is why my eyes burned from all the crying, I remembered how real it felt. I could feel all the feelings I felt at the time and it was just overwhelming. I felt like my heart was being ripped all over again, I could feel all the pain and emptyness. I let a tear fall as I felt all of it all over again.

I got up took a shower got ready and left with out waking anybody up . I got in my car and left I was skipping school today I couldn't deal with it . I reached the woods and parked, I got out the sun was still rising. It wasn't that cold outside. I started walking and walked inside the woods.

Aiden and me found this place once when we were on one of our adventures. If you walk a mile into the woods then you reach a meadow with a small pond its incredible beautiful here and no one ever comes here.

So I like to come here a lot and just sit and think while looking out at the pond and everything while I listen to music. I reached the meadow and I walked up to where I like to sit down by a tree. As I reached the tree I ran my fingers over the letters and closed my eyes. I had craved Aiden's and my name into the tree. I rested my forehead against the tree and sighed. “Your gonna hurt yourself , just stop and come sit next to me”Aiden said. “No, I'm almost done anyways” I said looking down at him and smiling. As I finished craving the heart around the names. I dropped the knife “see all done.” Aiden got up behind him and wrapped his arms around me its “beautiful” he said and kissed my cheek I turn in his arms facing him and wrapped my arms around his neck “ I love you” I said looking deeply into his eyes. “i love you too” he said and we kissed and made out a bit. Then we stopped and I grabbed his hand and we interlaced our fingers and we went to sit down we laid back and stared at the sky it was getting dark. We laid there for about an hour it was already dark the moon was out and shining bright and you can see so many stars it was beautiful. We got up and he kissed me soft and gently …

A tear slipped and fell down my cheek , I whipped it away and sat down staring out at the pond and I brought my legs up to my chest and put my head in between my knees. After a while of just staying like that my phone vibrated I got two new text messages one from Aiden and one from Steph.

Steph's text said “hey where are you ??” I replied Cookie is sick so I went home to take her to the vet see you later. Cookie is my rabbit hes white and black really cute and Sunshine is my dog I love her a lot.

The second text was from Aiden “ Grr I'm sleepy” I replied with “well if you go back to sleep your gonna be late for 1st period”

“I don't want to go to my classes today ” he wrote back

“I know neither do I which is why I'm not and I left” I replied

“where are you? ” He replied.

“somewhere just had to leave didn't want to be there” I said.

“why not and where ?” he wrote back.

“I don't want to talk about it just leave it and are you gonna go to class today?” I asked.

“Why? And I don't know yet” he said.

“mm alright just asking” I replied knowing I changed the subject.

We continued texting about stuff and I was thinking of what to reply and I put my head back in between my knees. I heard a stick break I turned to look I didn't see anything it was probably a rabbit. So I put my head back on my knees.

“its still so beautiful” The voice startled me. I turn to see and I saw Aiden standing there.

“ how did you find me?” I asked.

“I knew you that's how” he said.

“how did you get here?” I asked.

“ I asked Eric to bring me. I didn't feel like driving” he said.

He sat next to me and looked into my eyes. “are you okay?” he asked.

“ I'm fine” I said .

“no your not your skipping school and your here at our meadow you only come here when your not okay, when you want to be alone yet you hate to be alone, you like to come to think. So what are you thinking about?” he said looking into my eyes I could tell he was concerned and if you looked closely into them and know them like I do then you can see behind all that that he has sadness and pain into them.

“ nothing I'm fine. Really I just didn't want to go to school today so I came here and when people ask where I was well Cookie is sick so I had to take her to the vet and I'm not there so people will believe that” I said lying and fake smiling to show that I'm okay even though I'm not at all sometimes I hate it when he believes what I say and I just want him to really ask whats wrong but he never does he always believes it.

He nodded and looked out to the pond. I put my head on his shoulder as we just sat there and looked out at the pond. He rested his on mines and I closed my eyes.

“Kristy … Kristy” I heard Aiden say waking me up from my sleep. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I remembered I had my head on his shoulder but not we were laying down on the grass and I was laying on Aiden's chest. “come on lets go back to the school and we can go to my room and you can stay there for awhile.” he said.

I got up from his chest. “ how long have I been asleep for?” I asked him.

“ for like an hour maybe I didn't want to wake you up” he said as he got up and held out his hand for me to take and he pulled me up. “alright thanks. Want to go get something to eat I'm actually hungry” I said.

“I thought you would never ask” he said smiling I smiled back at him and we started walking to my car.

We went to McDonald's to eat , drove back to the school and now were back and were in his room. Fighting over the control so we can watch TV. He wanted to watch cartoons and I wanted to watch Criminal minds. I was now on top of him trying to get the control from his hands.

“no my TV” he said

“ so I don't want to watch cartoons” I said.

“ but I do” he said. I looked into his eyes and we stopped fighting for the control. I leaned down and kissed him and we started making out. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and started exploring my mouth and I let out a moan. He wrapped his arms around me and turned us over so he was on top of me. After everything we just laid back down and cuddle and fell asleep

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