Chapter Four

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I was walking back to my dreary, grey apartment after closing up shop at the dreary, grey bookstore I work at. I was just another face in the crowd and so was everyone else. We are all just passing faces that we vaguely recall as we walk down the street again and again. We're all just a hint of a memory. Then, it hit me, literally. A woman with short, black hair wearing a messenger bag and a leather jacket accidentally bumped into me, just like other passing strangers. I think I've seen her before. Maybe I saw her passing the bookstore while I was organizing the shelves. I can't really be certain. I've run into a lot of people. There are a lot of people walking in limited space. You're bound to run into at least one or two people per day. This time was different. I saw it. I saw everything. I saw the green of the leaves on the trees with brown trunks. I saw bright yellows, pinks, and purples of flowers. I stared in awe at the yellow light streaming from each and every window of each and every towering building. The dark yet vibrant navy blue that seemed to light up the night sky brought tears to my eyes. The dark green velvet drapes hanging from the old, worn-out bookshop I have been working at for the past six months caught my eye. The vibrant hues of every passing stranger, every passing face, jewelry, clothing, handbags, glasses, backpacks, makeup, shoes, hair, eyes, everything overwhelmed my senses! I saw everything. How could I have been so blind? These vibrant colors were in front of me like they had been there all my life, but only for a moment. Then, every color washed away like it had never really existed, like I was just hallucinating, but I wasn't! I know what I saw! What was it that I saw? Was it color? Were the stories true? If so, who was it I bumped into that changed everything? Who was it I bumped into that made me see everything... for a moment? The best, most thrilling moment of my life, but a moment nonetheless. 

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