Death or Love

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Sapphire's POV

My first reaction was to scream, but he covered my mouth before I could make a sound. I really had to trust Angel more. He smirked and raised his hand. I saw that he now had a shimmering blade of water in his hand.

It was like I was taken over by another version of myself.

I had a blade if fire in my hand that I used to block Sebastian's. I used several different kicks and punches until I threw him into the wall.

I knew he wasn't dead, and felt a strange surge of victory.

Then I saw the silhouette of someone standing in the entrance to the alley. Her stance was threatening and she was obviously dangerous.

She walked forward and in the dim light of the one flickering streetlight, I could see the smirk in her face. Her features were sharp and everything about her screamed dangerous. She was wearing all black and a leather jacket.

"I see you were able to take out Sebastian over there. You won't be as lucky with me." He voice was low and threatening. She was closer to me then before. I back up until I was pressed against the wall.

I looked into her black eyes. Angelica. She was the most dangerous of all the Followers. My breath quickened in fear. Her eyes and expression were cold and emotionless.

I saw the flickering blade of black fire in her hand. I was hoping that whatever happened when I was in the same situation with Sebastian would happen now.


I stood helpless as Angelica cut my arm. I felt a weird sensation slowly spread through my body. It was relaxing and sickening at the same time. I was losing consciousness. I slid to the ground and right before everything went black, I saw her standing over me with a smirk on her face.


I woke suddenly. There was a loud crash and I saw figures moving and fighting behind a foggy glass wall. I was in a small room with the bed I was sleeping on and nothing else. It was cold and dark with a single flickering light attached to the ceiling.

I screamed when the glass shattered and a figure stepped in.

"It's me, Angel." The person said. I instantly relaxed at the sound of her voice.

I ran into her arms, much to her surprise. I don't think she was used to hugging. "I really should listen to you." I told her, my voice muffled.

"No, I should've let you walk away and I should have never touched you. That was out of line and I'm sorry." I could tell it was hard for her to apologize and could hear the regret and anger in her voice.

"It's ok, just don't do it again." I said to her.

"As much as I'd like to talk, we're in the middle if enemy territory." Angel pointed out.

"Right." I said, looking around. There were signs of a fight, I saw who I figured was Skyler lying on the ground. It wasn't Angelica and I thought I recognized her from my house. Just the thought of Angelica was enough to make me run over to Angel. She was lethal and dangerous. I knew Angel wasn't joking when she'd said Angelica was the most dangerous of them all.

"Angelica's not here. They made this too easy. I think it was like a warning it to get a sense of your skill or something." Angel said, pulling me through different rooms until we reached the door. The glass was also broken.

She pulled me into a car and drive away. I felt myself sigh in relief when we drove away.

"Sleep. I knew you're tired." I started to protest. "You said it yourself, you should listen to me." I rolled my eyes, but was asleep in minutes.

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