Julianne's POV
Class of 2016, please move your tassels from the right of your cap to the left. Congratulations!! You did it!"I threw my cap into the air along with the rest of my graduating class and let out an excited whoop. I ran towards my girls and they all screamed and giggled and rejoiced.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE FINALLY DONE!!" My best friend Ashley exclaims.
The girls start to rush out of the stadium to go take pictures and say hi to their families. My best friend from childhood, Tanner, comes up behind me and grabs my waist.
"Julz, we made it!!" he says while spinning me around.
"I know, it's all so surreal"
"So why don't we go find our families, because I'm sure they're anxious to see us!"
I agreed and we ran off to find our families. We saw them off in the distance, waving like madmen. Just the sight of all of them makes me smile. Tanner and I reach them and it seems as if it's one collective group hug. I see Tanner's little brother Jared and he gives me a gigantic bear hug.
"I'm gonna miss you as much as I'll miss Tanner" he whispers in my ear.
I'm sure my little brother Isaac was telling Tanner the same thing. Our mom's were best friends in college, and after they both got married, our dads became just as close. Every holiday was spent with the Fitzpatrick's and we had collective family dinners about 3 times a month. Tanner's mom Alice always brought the most killer desserts, and my mom always knew how to bring it with the mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. I can't picture my childhood without the Fitzpatrick family in it.
This obviously meant that Tanner and I became insanely close. Since he's an attractive kid, all my friends constantly pester me about getting with him. I've never really considered it. We just know so much about each other. He's been in love with baseball since he was 5, and getting a scholarship to play for University of Washington meant so much to him. He's secretly a softie, and I've watched more chick flicks with him than I have with my girl best friends. He hates cheese, and pickles, and avocados. His mom is his role model, and his brother is his best friend. He's smart, but not like a valedictorian smart. Me on the other hand...
I'm just playing, I was only the salutatorian of my class. Damn you Jessica Huang.
Anyway, we just know too much about each other! It could never work, but I'm so happy to have him as a best friend.

Since Birth
RomanceTanner and Julz have been best friends since birth. Their mothers were best friends in college and stayed close, and the pair practically grew up together. They both just graduated high school and are off to the same college in the fall. They've a...