Chapter Thirty Five

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Jane's POV

Sumer holiday is going to end, and Dylan isn't come to my home after we watch the movie. It's been three months he never sends me a text or call. He is disappeared. Whenever I came to his house, he isn't home. Where the hell is he? I did texted and called him many times but he never answer me. Is he still mad because I don't want to be his girlfriend? It's making me upset.

I'm watching Mr. Bean on TV now, and Karen is sitting next to me. She has been sleep over for three days in my house. She eats the snacks that we bought in the supermarket last night.

"He didn't calls you?" she asked while still eating M&M.

"No. I don't know where is he either. I've texted him five times this morning but he never reply my text. It's odd."

She sighed, "Maybe he is still mad at you?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, maybe." I stood up and go to the kitchen, "Do you want something for breakfast?" I asked Karen from the kitchen.

"Anything." she screamed at me.

I start making pancakes for our breakfast.
I still wondering, why is he do that? Where is he? Is he mad at me? Is he got a problem that he doesn't want to tell me? Is he had a new girlfriend?

I pour the mixed ingredients to the fry pan.

"You got a message!" Karen screamed at me.

"From who?"

"It's Dylan! Should I read it for you?"


"I'll go to your home tonight. We need to talk. He said."

He needs to talk about something? Could it be about his new girlfriend?

"You want me to reply it for you too?" Karen screamed again.

"No. It's fine. I'll reply it myself." then put the pancakes to the plates, turn off the stove, pour orange juice to the glass and bring it to Karen.

"Finally he reply your text." Karen said, eating the pancakes. "It's delicious."

"Yeah. Finally. Do you think, he wants to talk about his new girlfriend?"

"What? No way he can had new girlfriend, Jane. He loves you! Why you thinking like that? He won't hurts you."

"Well, I rejected him. So, that's what I'm thinking. Maybe he is tired with me already."

"No. Don't think like that. You need to trust him, kay? I'll go home then. After this."

I smiled.

I'm waiting for Dylan. He said he'll come at 9 PM which is so late. I'm watching TV, I don't even know what I'm watching, I just surfing the chanel.

What is he going to talk to me?
Is it about his new girlfriend?
Oh come on, Jane. Why you have to think like that? He won't has a girlfriend. But yeah, it's none of your business because he is not yours, so?
Ah, why I still thinking like that?
I feel like I'm going to die waiting for him!!

When I get frustrated, someone knocking the door. It must be him. I walk to the door and open it.

"Hi." Dylan said with smile on his face.

I look into him, this is the man that I miss. Standing right in front of me.

"Can I get inside?" he asked again.

"Oh yeah, sure." I walk back to the living room and he follows me after close the door.

He sits next to me. And we're just, keep silence each other. The situation is getting awkward. I've never felt like this before.

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