How You Met Part 2

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Bruce Banner
Bruce was in the lab in Stark tower when he heard a female scream and he was about to go and see who it was, until Tony came running into the Lab and screaming about a little sister coming, then running back out again. Bruce thought nothing of it thinking it was a prank or something.

Tony did that for the next week and he got everyone clearing in the Stark tower, which Bruce found surprising, but still didn't think anything of it, until the seventh day when Tony didn't scream about a little sister or get everyone clearing the tower. When he went to the lounge he saw a young girl sitting next to Tony and laughing with the avengers. Soon one by one the avengers left until it was just Tony and the h/l h/c haired and brown eyed girl.

"Hey Tony, who's this?" The h/c asked as she was now looking at Bruce.

"This is Bruce Banner, my science brother." Tony introduced him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person and put a face to the name." The h/c said as she stood up and began to make her way over to him. "I'm y/n Stark, Tony's little sister." She introduced herself as well as she offered him her hand to shake.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said as he shook her hand. "But I'm surprised that Tony had a little sister, he has been screaming about it for the last week, but I just thought it was a joke." Bruce told her.

"Oh?" She questioned as she looked towards Tony. "Jarvis Can you show me the video please?" The h/c asked Jarvis with a small, just noticeable, smirk.

"Of cause, Miss Stark." Was Jarvis' answer and she ran over to the nearest screen with a screaming Tony after her.

It was a peaceful day on Asgard and everyone was doing what they normally do, apart from one young girl. She had beautiful long waist length h/c hair and breath taking e/c orbs. She was taking to Sif and while she was they didn't notice the frost giant coming at them. Sif saw it out the corner out of her eye and quickly pushed the h/c back and pulled her sword out and blocked the frost giant's attack. The h/c sat there not knowing what to do as she isn't a fighter or knows how to.

"Lady y/n run!" Sif shouted as she pushed the frost giant back.

She listened to what Sif said and got up and ran to where the palace was, holding up her magnificent floor length gold dress with silver rimming. When she looked back she saw Sif running behind her and shouting to run faster.


Talking was heard about sorting something out that was happening, with some other royals that were visiting, they were until they heard shouting. They were going to make there way to the door but it burst open and a young lady came in with long waist length h/c hair and e/c orbs running in followed by Sif and behind them they saw the frost giant. The other royals immediately stood up and the queen watched in horror, as she doesn't know how to use a weapon either, the king, along with the prince, ran over to her and pass, to behead and finish the frost giant off. While they where doing that the h/c ran straight into her mother's arms that was open. She hid her face in her mother's shoulder and her mother held her tightly as Thor stepped in to help them. Once the frost giant was defeated the visiting king and prince ran straight over to the h/c.

"Y/n are you alright?" The king asked as he pulled her out her mother's arms and into his own.

She nodded her head as she held onto him tightly. She soon went to her brother who was waiting for a hug as well.

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